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Expert Services - Partner Enablement

We work closely with our Partners to ensure they're well prepared to help our joint customers achieve their goals. We do this by providing the technical guidance and platform expertise needed to ensure our Partners are successful.

How we support our partners

We offer multiple engagement models to align with our Partners' business requirements and to ensure that every project is a successful one

Our Expert Services team are invested in the success of your projects

There are a lot of moving parts in digital projects, but our team will ensure that all of these parts are aligned towards your goals. 

DXP Readiness

Our DXP Readiness Assessment reviews key areas of your Episerver solution to ensure that the site scales and takes full advantage of the rich features of the Episerver platform and the DXP-Service. 

Our Assessment ensures that the site is ready for traffic, scales as needed and follows standard best practices that maximize your investment as well as the end users experience. 

The assessment notes the level or risk and suggests changes to bring errant site code or features up to standard.

Technical Governance

Episerver’s Technical Governance offering provides spot check code audits during the SLDC and a performance test prior to final user acceprance testing. The audits ensure the platform is being implementeed to appropriate development standards, and that the functionality can enable recommended system configurations.

Personalization Advisory Services

Our onsite workshops maximize your team's efficiency to more quickly realise a return on investment. 

Our workshops help to accelerate the digital journey by:

  • Creating an Agility Readiness Assessment that rates your organization's current level and readiness to move onto the next. 
  • Creation of a detailed roadmap to help maximise your personalization investment and realize your goals. 
  • Setup of rules-based personalization for items that your organization can currently support, helping you increase and maximize your digital maturity and more quickly realize a return on your investment. 
Solution Review

Episerver Solution Reviews are designed to help optimize sites to get the most out of the platform. Our inspections highlight how and where to leverage out-of-the-box functionality, analyze under-utilized features, further enhance customizations and improve overall performance. 

This service also includes a comprehensive document outlining site limitations, possible constraints, and recommendations on how to best address: 

  • Performance Inspection: A Performance Audit focuses on ensuring the system complies with your specified performance requirements. 
  • Security Inspection: Designed to rigorously ensure the correct security measures have been put in place for your application. 
  • Code Inspection: A code review is a key stage in the lifecyle of any project. At Episerver, our experts have the ability to review your site code and quickly identify any issues stemming from performance, API usage, Caching techniques, standards and much more. 
Project Leadership and Governance

Take advantage of our team's deep product insights, proven project delivery methodology, and 3rd tier support structure to move projects from start to finish. The teams are led through SDLC by an Episerver Project Manager and Architect with focus on planning, Agile project execution, solid coding and best practices and testing. 

Upgrade Services

We recommend that all customers upgrade regularly to ensure they have access to the most up to date features, and to ensure they have the most secure and performant version of the Digital Experience Platform.

Expert Services have developed an upgrade accelerator to assist with upgrading customers on Ektron CMS, Episerver Content Cloud or Episerver Commerce Cloud to the latest release of the platform. This includes: 

  • Upgrade Assesment report - this notes areas that require additional attention or risk.
  • Clear Project Plans higlight key areas that require attention and ensure that milestones and deliverables are clear. 
  • Upgraded site and site code
  • Test and UAT plans are created to define what, how and who will be performing tests. 
  • QA review of the upgraded site.

Kom i kontakt med oss

Enten du har et digitalt prosjekt du er i ferd med å starte opp, eller om du er ute og sonderer markedet, vil vi gjerne ta en prat!

Kontakt oss for en uforpliktende samtale om hvordan Episerver kan hjelpe til med å oppnå deres mål.

Ring oss gjerne på +47 4000 7040.

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