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Technical Support Services

Our support services team is always here to help. We aim to make it simple for you to reach the right person, or to find the resources that will help you get back on track while minimizing risks to your business.

Get in contact with the right person, fast

Browse our selection of helpful resources

Episerver World™ – our vibrant online community has more than 30,000 members and is focused on support for Developers and Marketers. Episerver World™ provides an extensive and rich self-help library of information including technical documentation, frequently asked questions, and best practice examples.

You can also find helpful support information in the:

  • Episerver knowledge base. All of the helpful documentation is categorized to help you easily find the topic you need. 
  • Episerver User Guide. Learn about our latest releases and best practice for Episerver products and features. 

Application Support

Episerver offers application support subscriptions to both customers and partners. We provide the support subscriptions through our regional support centers which are staffed with highly skilled support engineers. They are available online or by phone. Our support subscriptions are offered as an annual term and there are Standard and Premium Support options:

  • Standard Support is offered Monday – Friday 24 hours a day excluding holidays.
  • Premium Support includes Standard Support plus 24x7x365 Support for Priority 1 issues. Explore our Premium Support subscriptions.

Access the Application Support Portal

Managed Services

All Cloud customers can submit a support incident by emailing, or contacting us by phone 24x7x365 at the following numbers:

  • Worldwide: +46 8 555 827 50
  • United States: +1-(877)-383-0885 (Toll Free)
  • United Kingdom: +44 800 066 4784 (Toll Free)
  • Australia: +61 2 9248 7215

Your cloud solution should never fail you, and neither will we. Episerver provides 24x7x365 monitoring and operations support for all of our cloud customers through a dedicated global managed services team.

Episerver Campaign Support

All customers of Episerver Campaign can submit a support incident via:

Kom i kontakt med oss

Enten du har et digitalt prosjekt du er i ferd med å starte opp, eller om du er ute og sonderer markedet, vil vi gjerne ta en prat!

Kontakt oss for en uforpliktende samtale om hvordan Episerver kan hjelpe til med å oppnå deres mål.

Ring oss gjerne på +47 4000 7040.

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