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B2B Commerce Cloud developer premium subscription

A B2B Commerce Developer is no stranger to complexity. They need to create a fully integrated commerce platform connected to systems like PIM, CRM, ERP and DAM. Plus, they need to understand a platform’s built-in features to enable them to install, configure, implement, customize and extend them to meet a company’s unique needs. Merchandisers, marketers, administrators and store owners count on developers to build a foundation that better empowers them to do their jobs.

Premium subscription
Certification available

This training provides one with everything they need to know about implementing the Episerver B2B Commerce Cloud platform. Learn about the best practices and methodologies to configure, customize, and build B2B Commerce implementations to meet the ever-changing demands of business and commerce. This is ideal for those of you who like to work independently, at your own pace, and value the importance of having personalized training sessions with a dedicated instructor to guide and mentor you on your way to successful implementations and ultimately becoming an Episerver certified developer.

The content covers fundamental and advanced topics, skills, and techniques that a developer needs to know to build solutions with Episerver B2B Commerce Cloud. The course also includes the materials contained in the B2B Commerce Administrator path. The core training takes about 30 hours to complete. You have access to the course for 12 months plus updates and 3 hours of personalized coaching with an instructor. Included is an Episerver B2B Commerce Cloud developer certification exam attempt.

This course is designed for those who are new to B2B Commerce solutions. After this course you will be able to:

  • Understand and extend the data model
  • Work with themes and CMS extensions
  • Develop search extensions
  • Control APIs
  • Develop server-side extensions with handlers, pipelines, helpers, utilities, rules engine, mappers and plugins
  • Configure and extend security controls
  • Leverage the integration technology
  • Monitor performance

Prerequisite:  Those taking this course must be experienced .NET developers, recommended is a minimum of 3 years, in order to be able to pick up the code and understand the architecture/development patterns.

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