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Content Cloud administrator premium subscription

Administrators are truly the spiders in the web when it comes to managing a successful website. This training will prepare you to not only be a gatekeeper, but a resource to all business users on your team.​

Premium subscription

This course is for those of you who provide access and responsibility found within the Administrator User Interface.This course will prepare you for managing users, groups, permissions and much more. Ideal for those that want the support of a dedicated instructor and also the independence of self-study.

​The course is comprised of self-study instructor led videos and exercises to test your knowledge. Access to the course is for 12 months (plus updates) and includes invites to instructor led classroom training sessions. This  blended learning program comes with 1,5 hours of dedicated instructor support. We recommend that you have basic computer skills and some experience working with a CMS. It also includes all content found in the Content editor premium subscription course, and has Search & Navigation (formerly Find) for Editors, Intro to Personalization, Intro to DXC Service, six administrator-specific topics, and two additional Personalization courses. ​

After this course you will be able to:

  • Manage user logins, user groups, and group memberships​
  • Oversee access rights & permissions, approval chains & workflows, scheduled jobs/logs​
  • Configure tools & add-ons​
  • Organize settings and properties of Content types​
  • Convert content from one page type to another​
  • Create and maintain Visitor Group Definitions​

Please note that the Content editor courses are also included.

Included as part of our Content Cloud Premium Subscriptions:

Core courses specific to your job role

A dedicated instructor for private instruction

Content Editor training

Access to an extended library of courses to help you develop and grow in your role

Invites to instructor led, virtual classroom sessions

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