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Content Cloud developer premium subscription

Building reliable, secure and resilient marketing websites is a big job, but Content Cloud developers rise up to deliver. This subscription contains everything you need to get started developing Episerver Content Cloud solutions, and by subscribing to Episerver's official training you will always have access to advanced know-how direct from our expert trainers. ​

Premium subscription
Certification available

This subscription is intended for both new and experienced Content Cloud developers who need to build websites that perform and scale well and enable content editors and marketers to deliver unique customer experiences. Content Cloud developers must understand a platform’s built-in features so they can install, configure, implement, customize and extend them to meet a company’s needs.  This is ideal for those of you who like to work independently, at your own pace, and value the importance of having personalized training sessions with a dedicated instructor to guide and mentor you on your way to successful implementations and ultimately becoming an Episerver certified developer.

The content of this course focuses on developing fundamental and specialized functionality for Episerver Content Cloud solutions. The core training takes 40-60 hours to complete. You have access to the course for 12 months plus updates.  In addition to 3 hours of instructor led support, also included is an Episerver Content Cloud Developer certification exam attempt.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Define content types and templates
  • Handle media
  • Reuse shared content
  • Implement navigation and indexed search
  • Optimize and secure websites
  • Extend Episerver CMS with gadgets and plug-ins
  • Deploy websites, both on-premise and in the cloud

You should have a good understanding of HTML, CSS, C# and practical experience of web development using Microsoft ASP.NET MVC.

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