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Aggreko solves complex customer needs for renting generators in a simple way

Working around the clock to power the future

Around the world, people, businesses and countries are striving for a better future. That future needs power and the right conditions to succeed. Aggreko works around the clock to ensure people get the electricity, heating and cooling they need, whenever they need it.

From urban development to unique commercial projects and even humanitarian emergencies, Aggreko brings their expertise, equipment, passion and unrivaled international experience to every project.

A supplier of temporary power generation equipment and temperature control equipment, Aggreko leverages Episerver B2B Commerce Cloud by Insite to power their online experience for renting generators.

Mastering complex sales

Purchasing a temporary generator isn’t exactly a simple “add to cart and purchase” transaction. But Aggreko has mastered the art of complex sales. They were determined to create a simple and seamless renting experience.

When you rent a generator, there’s a lot of requirements to take into consideration. Here are a few questions Aggreko has to ask each customer:

  • How large do you need the generator to be?
  • How far does the generator need to be from the connection point?
  • What voltage is required?
  • Do you need a generator with low emissions?
  • How many hours will the generator be operating?
  • What kind of environmental fees need to be considered?

Basically, it’s complicated to rent a generator. Bringing a complicated sales process online would present some challenges. To make the complicated simple, Aggreko needed an ecommerce partner that was able to support incredibly complex buying scenarios right out of the box. They found that partner in Episerver. Now renting has been made easy.

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