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Alm Brand

Learn how Episerver supports, Alm Brand to create personalized, customer-centric headless app and how it has embedded itself to become part of their long-term digital strategy.

Rejecting the mundane face of analogue insurance to create a highly engaging experience for its customers

Danish Financial Services firm, Alm Brand use omnichannel tactics to create all-important touchpoints with their customers.

Building a hybrid headless app on Episerver, the bank's marketing team are able to quickly launch products to market with no hold ups. Episerver's flexibility allows their IT team to focus on more technical aspects of their digital infrastructure including building new features that will ultimately benefit each individual customer.

Episerver helped us turn around. So now we're a technology driven business, and that's the main large change to happen. It helps us alot, especially with the time-to-market. With the hybrid headless app, our marketers and content creators are able to do the edit off the app in Episerver and on the web

Mads Wermelin

Head of Web Development Alm Brand

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