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Altius Group

Optimizely help enable stronger workplace lifestyles with Altius Group

A new approach for its B2B proposition

Altius Group is an Australian workplace health and wellbeing service provider offering innovative health, employment, risk and claims solutions for people and workplaces. The business enables organisations and their people to optimise their physical, mental and social health.

Altius Group was looking for a more holistic, integrated service proposition for both its B2B customers and end patients. Consolidating six existing websites (on different platforms) and value propositions into a single view of the offerings of Altius Group was seen as a significant step to achieving this. Altius was also looking for greater data and insights across the Group to provide more personalised content and a solution that would help managing six websites with different functional limitations more administratively efficient.

A more active role in its customers lives

Optimizely partner Niteco worked closely with Altius marketing and IT teams to deliver the technical strategy, design, platform selection, build and deployment for the new Altius strategy. The decision was to re-platform the company’s online presence into a single Optimizely instance. This included consolidating and integrating the content from six separate CMS sites into a single instance. Due to a fixed go-live date, Altius needed the project to be completed within a tight timeframe, including obtaining feedback and agreement across the various business units and stakeholders.

The approach was to focus on a simple and clean templated framework to ensure content was easy to edit, authorise and publish across various channels. Special attention was paid to the site’s performance, which included integrating Cloudflare as a CDN solution. Ongoing performance monitoring tools were also used to assist and provide analytical evidence to improve the customer journey and ultimately improve customer engagement, market positioning and new opportunities for the Altius Group.

With the new templated Optimizely solution and training of key staff, Altius has been able to manage and engage all its business units to take a more active role in developing a holistic value proposition of its services to the whole sector.

The simplified user interface has enabled it to manage social content (including blogs, case studies and awards) and customer engagement in a much more efficient way. This, in turn, allows clients and prospects to have a greater understanding of the company’s broader service offerings and workplace solutions and become the proud digital face of the Altius Group. It also allows sales staff to know that content, articles and collateral is up to date, so they can present information to clients with confidence.

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