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Bisnode use the broad capacity of Optimizely Digital Experience Cloud to launch 18 sites

A solution needed to meet a critical mission

Bisnode, now a Dun & Bradstreet company, is a leading global provider of mission-critical data and insights to help clients compete, grow and thrive. The organisation helps companies find and manage customers through the entire customer lifecycle, matching and analysing their data with its data and the data that today's connected world generates, so-called Big Data. Bisnode’s experts work daily to interpret, refine and understand all the data that forms the basis of its clients' business decisions, enabling them to increase revenue and minimise losses in a structured and reliable way.

Bisnode  was once 280 companies before all its brands came under one umbrella back in 2014. With its new business strategy in place, it sought a software development partner to deliver sites that reflected its new direction. The business wanted to: Synchronize 17 sites onto the same Optimizely CMS and align economies of scale when it comes to web management, develop a web solution that supports brand consistency across its markets allowing local adaptations of available services and build sites that drive thought leadership and sales. The website platform required integrations with other third-party systems, which presented the risks of adaptability and compatibility.

A trusted partner to deliver greatness

With the help of Optimizely partner Niteco's technical experts, Bisnode was able to launch 18 different websites, with common core but each with local variation was built. Each Bisnode country got a localised site, translated and adapted from the original one to maintain consistency. The web solution also used Optimizely Forms for admins to make new forms by reusing existing content blocks, Instant templates to quickly produce complex content with a stack of blocks, Optimizely Find for powerful search capability and automatic creation of targeted content, ImageVault Cloud for digital asset management, Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager.

The project is ongoing with 19 sites to be launched in the future, including a global site. More functionalities including CRM-Integration and Marketing Automation are planned for the future.

Niteco is an Optimizely (Formerly Episerver) preferred vendor which has many experts in their management team and architect team. Niteco’s concept of having one person here and a team in Hanoi is cost effective. We have very transparent dialogues and we’ve built a lot of trust between us and Niteco

Daniel Nyberg

Marketing Technologist Bisnode

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