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World's largest musical accessories manufacturer, D'Addario delight audiences with their expansive ecommerce store, built on the Episerver Commerce Cloud


Line items SKU available online


Global revenues


Countries served

Drumming up a new sales channel

D'Addario are the world's leading manufacturer of music accessories, renowned for producing pioneering products and are often recognized as leaders in their field.

The family owned business strung up a new vision to complement an increasingly digital marketplace. Their first step was focussed on a key revenue driver - their online marketplace.

By modernizing their digital estate, focusing on utility and customer convenience as the 'bass', D'Addario had an appetite to create a leading ecommerce suite for their passionate customer following.

Orchestrating a progressive technology enablement plan, the growing business needed a platform that was scalable and dependable against their needs.

Playing the right chords

Working with D'Addario's inhouse Marketing and Product teams, implementation partner, Valtech and Episerver established a sustainable and flexible technological ecosystem, supporting the customer-centric focus expressed through D'Addario's new visual experience.

The long lasting outro

The relentless focus on business and technology created an ecosystem accommodating more than 5,000 SKUs, near-real-time inventory status and personalized pricing - capable of personalizing the product and content experience to the customers taste.

Customer loyalty offers an impactful way to increase repeat purchase rate without discounting or devaluing your brand. D'Addario do that with their integration with Annex Cloud in the Episerver Marketplace. Learn more.

I think a big part of it is just getting more value out of the platform going forward, now that we have B2B and B2C in one place - essentially two sites in one place

Steve Loud

Digital Commerce Director D'Addario

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