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Sweden-based retailer, Fjällräven, launches an Episerver eCommerce site in under 4-months

Bringing digital in, to the outdoors

Fenix Outdoor were on a mission to transform their brands’ eCommerce websites by upgrading to a framework that could launch multiple brands operating on the same codebase. They also wanted to manage their products better by implementing a Product Information Management software (PIM) and required a multi-market, multi-currency, and multi-language solution. At the time, they were not using any unified framework for their numerous brand websites, causing issues for their IT teams.

Because of its extensive capabilities, Fenix Outdoor chose Episerver as its digital commerce platform, inRiver as a PIM, and selected Luminos Labs for their systems integration expertise and the ability to launch quickly. They chose Fjallraven as the first website to build a framework on and to scale out to the other brands.


The on-site discovery took place in Sweden to strategize Fjallraven’s problems, needs, and goals, and the teams came up with a three-phase approach:

Phase I – Launch Fjallraven on Episerver

The main goal was launching an eCommerce platform as quickly as possible, using Episerver as the digital engine. The Luminosity Episerver Accelerator allowed Fjallraven to save 100s of hours of website discovery, design, and development. An open-API architecture was created to support a wide array of potential integration needs (ERP, legacy systems, etc.), scalability, as well as the ability to launch B2B sites in future phases, on one platform that can support both B2B & B2C.

Phase II: Prepare for Global Rollout and Implement PIM

After the initial website launched, the goal was to prepare the site for international markets using available Episerver features to build out these functionalities. Fjallraven required a solution that would allow them to operate in different countries and offer specific products for each market (multi-market), use different currencies, tax rules, payment providers, shipping providers, and fulfillment centers depending on the country (multi-currency), and default to a set language while providing options to translate to another (multi-language).

Phase III: Scale-Out to Fenix Outdoor’s Other Brands

During this phase, Fjallraven also decided to integrate the inRiver PIM with their ERP and eCommerce site. They used the Luminosity inRiver Connector, available in the Episerver App Marketplace, to sync inRiver product information to Episerver automatically, map data from inRiver, leverage complex product attributes through inRiver PIM to automatically sync and organize within Episerver, and manage complex catalogs and multiple taxonomy scenarios. inRiver designs were required to meet the same specifications as the website to eventually scale and support multiple sites and products to be available in different markets.

Fenix will apply the Episerver framework used for Fjallraven to other brands. This phase involves utilizing the same general codebase and scaling it out to other brands to have the same multi-market, multi-language, and multi-currency features. The sites will all have the same backend usability features, using the same admin backend tools to support those websites as well.

Scalable Multi-Website Framework Launched in Under 4 Months

Fjallraven launched its website in under four months due to the usage of the Luminosity Episerver Accelerator. In that short period, they were able to build and integrate a new eCommerce site using Episerver as their backend solution, with the ability to scale.

Initially, Fjallraven had a previous implementation partner that wasn’t able to handle the full scale of their inRiver PIM integration. Luminos Labs was able to deliver the PIM implementation successfully, and used the Luminosity inRiver Connector to sync data to the website in a proper manner, integrating with their ERP system, updating price data and stock data every hour.

  • Multi-Market, Multi-Currency, and Multi-Language Capabilities
  • Multi-Market
  • Specifically defined products
  • Shipping providers
  • Tax rules
  • Payment providers
  • Fulfillment centers with functionality built-in for growth
  • United States, Germany, England, France, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Netherlands, and other EU countries
  • Multi-Currency
  • Each market has its own currency and can have multiple currency options
  • Up to four different payment integrations available depending on the market (credit card, POS, and online banking)
  • Multi-Language

Each market has its own language and can have multiple language options:
English US & UK, Swedish, Finnish, French, German, Danish, Norwegian

With customers across the world, we knew that updating our digital presence with a platform for the future would secure our growth trajectory in the outdoor adventure market. With plans to further integrate our back-end with new ERP, PIM and other platforms, Episerver’s open-API architecture made it an easy decision to cement Episerver as the foundation for future digital success

Nadir Ali

Head of Digital Fenix Outdoors AG

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