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Improving customer experiences across desktop and mobile


increase in ecommerce revenue


increase in mobile revenue


increase in organic traffic

The challenge

Kenwood is a global consumer brand that leads the market in design and manufacture of innovative kitchen appliances including food processors, mixers and blenders.

As part of its global marketing initiative to stay ahead of competitors, Kenwood needed to maximise the effectiveness of its digital channels for customer acquisition, customer loyalty, customer engagement and customer support.

Kenwood sought to replace its brochure website and siloed third-party webshop with a robust ecommerce website after prospective customers expressed difficulty in finding Kenwood's products online. Inability to evaluate and compare products, a convoluted check-out process, and restricted access to aftercare options were just a few of the challenges presented by the existing solution.

The solution

Kenwood worked together with Episerver partner, Netcel, to develop a new solution on Episerver Digital Experience Cloud for digital commerce. Netcel delivered a redesigned site, packed with customer-focused content and features, in 23 languages across 33 countries, all accessible by customers on their desktop, mobile or tablet device.

To help customers quickly identify and reach the right product, a sophisticated mega navigation was implemented that displays both product details and product images to allow customers to access over 150 products with just one click from the home page. Product selection is further assisted by faceted search filters to allow customers to fine-tune search results with their exact requirements. To enable customers to explore the design features of products, an interactive multimedia gallery including 360° product displays, product videos and photo galleries is also provided. And to help customers finalize their buying decisions, all products can be compared side-by-side.

An extensive and searchable database of recipes was implemented, allowing customers to engage with Kenwood through commenting and rating. And for those times when a Kenwood product needs accessories, spare parts or a service, an online customer support department was created to provide customers with a searchable database of FAQs and downloadable documents, and an interactive map included to located the nearest Approved Kenwood Repair Centre.

A stunning website for Kenwood, full of customer-focused content and features, in 23 languages, and all accessible by customers on their desktop, tablet or mobile. We are delighted with the results.

Rys Tkaczyk

Global eMarketing Manager Kenwood

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