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Laser Clinics

Combining the power of Episerver's Digital Experience Platform and Microsoft 365 to create a vibrant customer experience online and offline


Higher purchase online Vs in-clinic


Of traffic is via mobile


Of group revenue delivered via Episerver Commerce

A digital face lift

Cosmetic treatment industry leader, Laser Clinics operate 150 clinics across Australia and New Zealand. Their franchise network offer services ranging from laser hair removal and skin treatments to cosmetic injections. Since their launch in 2008, they have performed over 3 million treatments and have amassed over 1 million treatment users.

Treating the growing pains

Appealing mainly to the younger demographic, Laser Clinics wanted to maintain growth and increase customer satisfaction. They identified opportunities to accelerate market share, not only in its Australia hub, but in New Zealand and Europe. However, with the cosmetic treatment industry renowned for being extremely competitive, Laser Clinics found that without a digital proposition for its primary audience, these plans along with their market position were at risk. A new platform was

There were multiple hurdles the team needed t new digital platform to overcome. With hundreds of clinics operating off their own independent operations, obtaining a single customer view was a priority for the team.

With 4 main services, a major technical hurdle was easily managing online bookings when there were multiple options a booker may opt for. This was compounded with obstacles such as, specific treatment room and equipment availability, predicted lengths of consultations, and availability of personnel. This created numerous rules the cosmetic players had to overcome.

Other challenges Laser Clinics needed to overcome prior to selecting a digital platform included:

  • Buy-in from Laser Clinic board members for new platform investments
  • Reducing duplicate records from each clinic
  • Calculating average treatment times
  • Placement of online revenue collection & distribution

Laser Clinics did not have the tools at hand to build a customer-centric digital experience platform, nor to commercialise their services online. They consulted with various stakeholders to understand not only their operational model better, but also to understand the growing expectations of their young, digitally savvy customers. The team required a holistic approach to a new platform.

The ultimate customer journey on Episerver + Microsoft Dynamics 365

After developing a high-level roadmap alongside their 100 franchise partners, Laser Clinics opted for the combined power of Episerver and Microsoft 365 to establish themselves as leaders in the digital space. Evaluating multiple platforms, Laser Clinics found that only this combination provided them the powerful, flexible, robust capabilities needed to achieve against their growth plans.

They leverage the Episerver Commerce Cloud and Marketing Automation with Microsoft Dynamics 365 as their CRM.

Elastic scalability that grows with demand

As Laser Clinics’ customer base grows in reach, so too does their Episerver infrastructure. Hyper-scale cloud infrastructure enables the digital platform to instantly accommodate increased traffic demand. They leverage discounts, campaigns, and promotions with no risk of downtime.

From having all interactions in-clinic to now offering a digital service in less than 6-months, Laser Clinics herald agility and flexibility as the key drivers. over digital as well as through their physical estate.

The digital and physical sync

Bookings through the Episerver site account for 16% of all bookings. This means subtle differences in-clinic such as the phone ringing less and more attentive staff, resulting in a better physical environment for customers. Episerver Marketing Automation helps quickly create campaigns across web, mobile, and email. This automated flow has so far connected 900,000 customers with further information regards their treatment and other flash promotions. The Episerver automation syncs in effortlessly with Microsoft Dynamics 365 to give the one customer view Laser Clinics were eager to gain. Marketing Automation has helped boost conversion rates to 2.16%, higher than standard industry numbers. This is especially useful for savvy customers who access the site 80% of the time through their mobile.

A holistic journey

The next steps include building on their European footprint in the UK. This will be done through smart AI. An even deep look at their customer base will ultimately gear them for further success as they mature digitally and enter the capabilities of Episerver personalization.

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