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Metro Bank

Transforming digital customer experience with a responsive site built on Episerver

Load time

Pages load in under two seconds for 90% of users


Personalized content on user's location


Delivered against stringent security standards in 5 months

Disrupting 150 years of banking

Launched in 2010 in the UK, Metro Bank is the first new high street bank in more than 150 years. The revolutionary “challenger” bank offers personal, commercial, business and private banking services, with a focus on providing unparalleled levels of customer service and convenience.

Consumer banking demands more

When it comes to personal banking, consumers want easy online transactions across their devices. Metro Bank understood the importance of each customer interaction – including creating new accounts and day-to-day withdrawals. The bank took action by revamping their digital estate to better meet the needs of their more than one million customers.

Previous website difficult to use and edit

With rapid growth in customers and branches, Metro Bank needed to ensure its digital experiences could keep up. However, the bank faced several platform challenges:

  • Their platform did not accurately reflect their service offering, brand identity or vision to new and existing customers.
  • The website was incompatible with mobile devices, posing a significant inconvenience.
  • Internal content editors couldn’t update the site quickly and easily.

Banking on Episerver

Episerver’s solution was chosen as the ideal platform to create Metro Bank’s new digital environment.

As well as being able to transform the public-facing website to reflect the bank’s award-winning service offering, implementing Episerver meant the site was fully responsive on all mobile devices. Metro Bank could take advantage of Episerver’s advanced capabilities, such as personalization, while future-proofing digital assets with Episerver’s continuous roadmap development.

Delivering complex, integrated sites

Building the revamped site, Episerver Premium Partner Netcel used their renowned expertise to deliver the complex, large-scale, multi-faceted project in just five months.

Metro Bank now boasts a device-agnostic site, fully responsive across all devices. Internal stakeholders are delighted with the enhanced editing elements with these improvements. The team benefits from stronger content management capabilities, resulting in more time to create valuable experiences for customers. Detecting user location to deliver personalized content allows Metro Bank to engage meaningfully with online visitors. All while following strict security and compliance standards.

Since the launch, Netcel has been working on subsequent releases that incorporate new requirements, as well as optimizing existing features such as a mortgage calculator tool.

Fakta om prosjektet
Metro Bank benytter Content CloudSearch & Navigation

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