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MOAA, The Military Officers Association of America

From a restrictive legacy platform to creating a more fulfilling engagement with their 355,000 members, MOAA share with us their member-centric journey so far.


Active members


Of traffic through mobile

Communicating with an influential membership base

MOAA, Military Officer's Association have been around since 1929, advocating for military officers and their families. They provide supplements for members including healthcare benefits and member enticements.

Quickly creating and publishing vital content is a large part of the digital team's mission as their membership spans the entire spectrum of military officers from all walks.

''We do have some users that are congressional leaders that use our information because it's so well written and it's so easy to understand''. Yumi Belanga, Senior Director of Digital Programs at MOAA mentions. Yumi goes on to mention that their efforts are, ''as simple as just getting a news page up that we need to promote or sometimes it's a multi-month-wide campaign that we need to kind of move along very, make changes as the campaign kind of progresses into its culmination during the month''.

Having to pivot and react to various legislation, news and guidance it was important that the MOAA team upgraded their aging content management system from Ektron, to an enterprise-grade CMS that would seamlessly scale alongside their organization. MOAA felt Ektron restricted their ability to create new content pieces in a quick fashion and limited their reach to new, potential audiences.

''We were on Ektron before, which served us well for a good time being. But we wanted to really think about how we can meet our members and our potential members or prospects in a better way online, digitally'', comments Yumi. ''So we knew that the [Episerver] DXC platform had a lot of great features that could get us there.

Digital tools that make it easier

''we're becoming smarter about how to promote ourselves and to get information out the way that we think it would resonate best with users'', Yumi says when asked about the benefits MOAA enjoy since migrating to the Episerver Customer-Centric Digital Experience Platform.

Other benefits MOAA are experiencing include;

  • Better flexibility
  • The ease of learning
  • Scalability
  • Stronger reliability

The Episerver Content Cloud is built on Microsoft Azure, meaning MOAA is always compliant with the latest security regulations they are obliged to meet. It also means their site can handle spikes in traffic, without downtime. Utilizing Episerver, MOAA's site is used in a more dynamic format, using to it to build awareness, their offering and appealing to even more potential members.

''We've seen a lot more of our users staying on being more engaged. Whether it's staying on a page longer, which is always a goal for us because again, our page is very content heavy. We don't want them to just pop off and search for something else using a main search. I think they're [users] coming around to it and seeing us more as a resource and because of the way that we can display information'', Yumi tells us.

Learning the digital journey

When it comes to the mobile site, Yumi shares that MOAA is ''more cognizant now of all of the content and information that we put [publish], to make sure that the mobile experience is ideal. Maybe we don't need to be as wordy in some content''.

These types of learnings are leading to outcome benefits that MOAA members have not seen or expected. As their content delivery evolves, so too does their engagement. Episerver Content Cloud is built for speed, and MOAA editors can quickly deliver information to its membership community of hundreds-of-thousands, with an agile digital team of 10 people.

A diverse, mobile community

Episerver Content Cloud have enabled MOAA to be more inclusive to their growing community. Yumi explains that they've built ''a micro-site semi-dedicated to mental wellbeing and general wellbeing. But we do make sure that we consider all of these, we do try to be inclusive with all of our various types of content and how we display it and how we execute it''.

Mobile is having a massive impact to their work. It's not only the younger generations who desire content delivered on-the-go, charting the shift in digital expectations. Yumi explains MOAA ''saw that mobile overtook desktop, which is huge for us because our user base is from probably age of 18 to the age of 108 so we have a wide age range and most of our demographics is probably close to around the 60 to 70 age range''. Deploying Episerver, MOAA is better equipped to meet growing expectations from their user-base.

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