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Mud Pie

Selling gifts online through personalized experiences


increase in conversion rates


increase in overall revenues


increase in mobile commerce revenues

The Challenge

Founded in 1988, Mud Pie is an award-winning manufacturer of uniquely designed and affordably priced gifts, sold in wholesale to over 16,000 department stores and specialty retailers, and directly to consumers via the company's own e-commerce website.

With so many choices available today, Mud Pie wanted to ensure their online shopping experience was the absolute best it could be. Their existing website was confusing, busy, and didn't accurately reflect their brand. Armed with the realization that they were losing customers due to the inadequacy of their current site, Mud Pie enlisted the help of Whereoware, an Episerver Premium Solution Partner, to help them get back on track with a brand new, personalized website.

The Solution

The Mud Pie team selected Episerver Digital Experience Cloud for digital commerce to help them better tailor content to viewers by enabling them to dynamically display behaviour-based promotions on the website. Integrated with IBM Marketing Cloud, the solution also ensures that the customer journey is consistent across all touch points including web, mobile, and email.

Mud Pie’s new website is built to continually capture data, like interests, dislikes, preferences, location, and order history to further target content. By capturing customer data to deliver unique online engagements, Mud Pie ensures a consistent, holistic brand message on their website, emails, and content pieces.

Not only has their new website helped them to see an increase in revenue YoY, they have had a significant reduction in the number of customer service calls and emails, saving them both time and money.

We love the Episerver platform. As soon as we started using it, we got very excited about it because of all of the features it has to offer. We can customize pretty much anything on the website to the individual user based off of who they really are.

Faith Albers

Senior Online Marketing Manager Whereoware

Fakta om prosjektet
Mudpie benytter Commerce Cloud

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