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Murdoch's Ranch & Home Supply boosts sales

Retailer increased online revenue by 48% with Episerver's digital commerce solution.


Increase in products available online


Increase in active users


Increase in online revenue


Operating thousands of product lines across multiple ranges including; Sporting Goods, Pet, Tools and Hardware, Clothing, Footwear and Agriculture, Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply are testament of a modern, diverse mercantile. With strong growth over the last 25 years, the chain operates 31 physical storefronts concentrated across 5 US States and a digital footprint spanning North America.

Murdoch’s had become all too familiar with inventory gaps between their digital commerce warehouse and physical stores. Hundreds of assortments on lacked size and color variations, and Murdoch’s were unable to offer their entire product catalog online. The retailer needed to kit themselves with a digital landscape that included features relative to their cause - such as buy-online and ship-from-store to drive sales. Murdoch’s also recognized industry trends and the migration towards more cloud-based technologies to support digital commerce. As a result, Murdoch’s sought a more complete Content & Commerce solution that could be managed and maintained in the cloud.

Measures for Success

  • Build a strong relationship to create and execute a long-term, futureproofed delivery model
  • Focus on continuous growth, by making incremental improvements to digital environment to increase KPI’s
  • Enable modern digital commerce retail features like buy-online and shop-from-store
  • Implement a Cloud solution that will enable the business to take advantage of the latest retail features to meet the needs of customers
  • End experience - better serve the buying habits and needs of the customer base and offer the entire product catalog across all regions of retail footprint


Murdoch's Home and Ranch upgraded from Ektron to the Episerver Digital Experience Cloud. It was chosen as the platform to drive an omnichannel model of digital commerce.

To complete the implementation, Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply selected Episerver Premium Partner, Luminos Labs. Together, the teams were tasked to deliver an omni-channel vision, replicating the in-store inventory online. In addition to back-end improvements, Murdoch’s revamped their site experience with a full redesign. A core pillar in the success of this partnership was creating a strong, long-term delivery model that would allow for Murdoch’s to make several, enhancements over the course of many years to the user experience. This long-term delivery model allowed the Murdoch’s team to drive day-to-day results, while also focusing on the broader digital experience roadmap - delivering innovation to Murdoch’s digital commerce program.

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