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World's largest marine electronics manufacturer, Navico make waves on Episerver

Ruling the Waves

Leaders in the design and manufacture of world-class marine navigation, autopilot, radar and communication systems, Navico Group are one of the largest manufacturers of marine electronics in the world. 

With an enormous distribution network, spanning more than 100 countries, Navico have completed their major project setup of an integrated global B2C ecommerce solution allowing the business to sell directly to consumers. This is in addition to the B2B selling experience they provide to their professional audience.

Local Talk to a Global Audience

Episerver's customer-centric platform helps Navico deliver a powerful ecommerce gateway purpose-built for their growing customer set. To help navigate its vast portfolio and foster an inclusive solution, Navico take advantage of Episerver's multi-lanugage Content Cloud, handing their global customer base product descriptions with a native style.

Manufacturing Satellites, in the Cloud

Built on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, Navico's digital infrastructure is always on. Given their global operations, they take comfort in the knowlege their sites won't suffer from outages or downtine. All updates and maintainence are delivered without interrupting security operations.

The development team are able to remain nimble and agile, equipped to deploy seamless integration with other services and systems. Episerver's cloud offering creates a new development standard to the digital space, signaling Navico as the digital leaders within their market.


Taking the Pain out of Positioning and Pinpointing

Propelling Forward

By concentrating on the fundamentals first, Navico have seen the stability the Episerver Commerce Cloud delivers and are ready to delve into other aspects of Episerver's suite. As their digital journey continues, the marine equipment leaders are looking at Product Recommendations, Email Recommendations and Analytics to make their consumer experience even more responsive, revenue-generating and water-tight.


About Glyn Jones, Navico

With 25 years of experience in the IT industry, Glyn has solid technical and development knowledge within a wide range of IT skills coupled with management expertise.

Glyn is responsible for all Web Development across three Navico ecommerce brands

I think the key thing about being on Episerver is I don't have to worry about down time. That's nice.

Glyn Jones

Web Development Project Manager Navico

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