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Pizza Hut Restaurants

Local, personalized experiences for Pizza Hut Restaurants

New brand identity needed online

Although Pizza Hut is a trusted household name, in the face of a highly competitive casual dining market the company decided they needed a new identity online. Their old website was not able to support the far-reaching ambitions of the brand. In order to better understand and react to their customers, Pizza Hut set about creating a new digital platform.

Episerver partner KIN+CARTA was tasked with delivering a completely fresh online experience with a unique, personalized feel, which supported Pizza Hut's business needs and gave consumers an enhanced experience.

New site delivers hyper-localized marketing approach

The new website was designed to be fully responsive and accessible on all devices. By focusing on content, and putting CRM at the heart of what they do, Pizza Hut now feels they can stand apart from their rivals.

The new site delivers personalized content based on device type, locality of the user, and their previous interactions with the site. Not only does the site respond to users, it allows the restaurants to vary messaging and pricing by location. This enables Pizza Hut to deploy a hyper-localized marketing approach. For example, restaurants that are usually full at a given time don’t offer discounts to customers for those locations. By integrating communications with the in-store system, the site can even direct diners to the restaurant with the most capacity if there is more than one in the area.

The new site also enables Pizza Hut to fully coordinate their systems with a new booking engine, send in-store information directly to the site and crucially, allows customers to interact with both the brand and the site on a completely new level. One example of using customer data to engage visitors is by using store information like "Top five pizzas in Manchester". With results from the site looking strong, restaurant bookings up and an increase in pageviews, Pizza Hut is very happy with the results so far.

The new website acts as a digital flagship restaurant to support our business needs. It has captured the very essence of our approach to casual dining and translated the importance of locality into a clever and very personal user journey.

Kathryn Austin

Marketing Director Pizza Hut Restaurants

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