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Prezzo Re-invents their Digital Engagement

Something new on the menu

Following its offline rebrand, Prezzo turned its attention to their digital strategy. With the competition in the casual dining market becoming more saturated, and new entrants using disruptive technologies to gain traction, Prezzo found that they too could differentiate themselves through their digital experience.

The ambition was to use the digital channel to attract more casual diners, and convert them into loyal customers, putting Prezzo back at the forefront of the casual dining market. Episerver’s partner Zone was brought in to help Prezzo realise this ambition.

The Strategy

Prezzo’s digital strategy was clear: they needed a new brand identity to match their new offline brand. Their website, emails and other digital communications needed to be brought together and optimised for mobile. In addition, they needed to better understand their customer’s journey so they could deliver a truly personalised experience. For this they needed to utilise the power of their customer data and marketing automation.

To achieve their digital strategy, Prezzo needed a brand new website which embraced the new Prezzo visual design and was enriched with features their old site lacked.

The new features:

  • Full content management capabilities
  • Online booking facility
  • Mobile optimised and responsive
  • Single Customer View
  • Integration with marketing automation platform
  • Building a market-leading website was the first part of Prezzo’s digital strategy. They now needed to reengineer the way they interacted with their customer base through digital.

Prezzo really needed to understand their customers through analysing the data they held on them. This would help them segment their data to understand where customers were in the journey (new diner, lapsed diner, loyal diner) so they could send tailored email communications and show personalised web content. They would then be able to create the right communications and flows that would help them convert a new or lapsed diner into a loyal diner. And keep their loyal customers happy.

So choosing a web content management system and marketing automation platform that integrated with each other (Episerver CMS and ExactTarget ERCM) was an essential consideration for Prezzo’s digital strategy. And to ensure Prezzo’s marketing team were more effective and efficient, it was important that they could create and customise their ERCM email templates in-house, rather than relying on an agency.

The Build

The new, fully mobile responsive website was built using Episerver CMS with a number of features integrated to enable a seamless diner experience from research to booking:

To create a Single Customer View and support Prezzo’s ongoing CRM efforts, Zone integrated Episerver with Exact Target ECRM

With the use of mobile on the rise, a seamless location integration is vital to user experience. Episerver’s Find service was utilised to support spontaneous dining decisions made on mobile devices.

Driving bookings through social was always a key ambition, so the Twitter API was used to generate social content.

For the crucial online reservation capabilities, the website was fully integrated with the Bookatable system. It was critical this worked seamlessly with Episerver Find.

The Outcome

Though the website was relaunched in the first quarter of 2015, Prezzo saw an increase in the number of voucher codes redeemed, as well as the number of takeaways and gift cards ordered through the website, suggesting we've found the right balance of brand and function.

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