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Online banking with a world-class user experience

Functionality that impacts business

How do you build editor-controlled online banking with features like bank transfer, card management, and loan applications, while taking important security aspects into account? With a focus on simplicity for the user and flexibility for the editor, Santander Consumer Bank has developed online banking that works as well on mobile phones as it does on a desktop.

Santander is an all-digital bank with a clear goal - to be the best bank for its customers. In an ever-expanding digital banking world, it is important for Santander to offer online banking that is easy to use, meets business objectives and offers the flexibility needed for future development.

The company's previous online banking solution was not user-friendly, difficult to update and not adapted for mobile and tablet. The mission for the new solution was to attract more customers, increase customer satisfaction, and increase flexibility for the editor.

The new web solution for Santander's online banking was built in the Episerver Content Cloud. Episerver premium solution partner Knowit completed the implementation and is proud to have been able to use a CMS for more than just publishing content. The Episerver platform is also being used for revenue generation, business-critical functions with very high security requirements, along with personalized offers, management and design of conversion-oriented content.

For the bank, choosing Episerver has resulted in an editor-controlled bank that is easy to adapt and develop, enabling online banking to be individualized for every customer. Another positive aspect is that their online banking can now be integrated with other internal systems.

"The main advantage for Santander is that it is a lot easier to develop and manage online banking internally, and in less time," says Peter Leijon Spjuth, Manager of Digital Channels at Santander Consumer Bank.


Challenging development parameters

A major challenge for the project was the high level of security required. This demanded a different cooperation between the back-end team, Episerver team, and Santander. Everyone involved with the project had an obligation to ensure secure programming across every layer, strengthening collaboration thoughout the project.

Realizing the strategic objective

Features such as bank transfers, topping up loans, card processing, and secure messaging between the bank and the customer were included in the new solution. Knowit developed a new dynamic loan form for potential bank customers, where everything is completed digitally. The customer can apply for a loan, receive notifications, sign in using BankID or mobile BankID, and get money directly in the account. The features were implemented with micro-interactions with helpful engagements to enhance the user experience.

It is easier to perform banking functions and subscribe to new products, which attracts more and more satisfied customers. The project realized our strategic objective for the new online banking

Peter Leijon Spjuth

Manager of Digital Channels Santander Consumer Bank

Fakta om prosjektet
Santander benytter Content CloudA/B Testing

Se resultatet på

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