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SPI Health and Safety

SPI Health and Safety fosters raving fans with Episerver B2B Commerce Cloud

Prioritizing the health and safety of thousands of workers

Headquartered in Québec, Canada, SPI Health and Safety (SPI) is an occupational health and safety products distributor on a mission to be the single most valuable partner for companies that value health and safety in their work environment.

With over 20 locations across Canada, SPI offers environmental, eye and face, fall, fire, footwear, hand, head, hearing, and respiratory protection products, as well as training and technical and consulting services.

With evolving customer expectations, heightened competition and generational changes top of mind, SPI set out to deliver better customer experiences for their B2B and B2C customers with a omnichannel strategy.

From a precarious platform to a superior experience

SPI’s original ecommerce platform served them well in the beginning, but had many limitations. The platform did not allow the team to manage different warehouses or display sizes through a drop down menu. Growth into new markets was stagnant, navigation was complicated and search was not intuitive. Because of the ongoing feedback obtain from their customers (Voice of customer program) SPI determined these capabilities were table stakes going forward.

SPI’s number one priority in investing in ecommerce was to build an omnichannel strategy that would meet customers’ expectations online and offline. They wanted to be empowered to sell their complete 360 health and safety offer across any channel. 

The right fit helps SPI reach new heights

SPI worked with Absolunet, a leading ecommerce agency, to determine their technology requirements going forward. SPI selected Episerver B2B Commerce Cloud as the platform that would power their intuitive, modern ecommerce experience. In addition, they selected inRiver (which seamlessly integrated with B2B Commerce Cloud) to manage their product content. In less than a year, Absolunet successfully helped SPI Health and Safety migrate to B2B Commerce Cloud and implement inRiver PIM.

SPI’s new website features:

  • Quick order
  • Order approval
  • Multiple Bill-To options
  • Functional search bar for products and contents
  • Filters in product listing pages
  • Simplified navigation
  • Seamless checkout process
  • Responsive website
  • Blog articles
  • Online training sessions

Meeting customers’ expectations and looking ahead

After implementing B2B Commerce Cloud, SPI’s customers are extremely satisfied. Online transactions are easier and NPS Score has jumped. As SPI has monitored their digital evolution, they’ve secured a 32 point increase in their digital net promoter score.

SPI recognized this was not just about implementing technology and moving on. They worked diligently to onboard their sales teams and customers to their new website with videos, trainings and sales workshops. They knew that gaining buy-in for ecommerce was essential for the success of the digital transformation.  SPI also needed to be able to provide the right solution to address the requirements of their major customers that were asking for Punchout access.

SPI predicts their website will help them better serve their customers and increase market share in the future. Other priorities include building out rich product information, improving the speed of the website and delivering a better overall experience that is personalized for each user.

Our ecommerce site has helped build customer loyalty. After implementing ecommerce and monitoring our digital evolution, we’ve seen our digital net promoter score increase by 32 points

Isabelle Delphine

Marketing and eCommerce Director SPI Health and Safety

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