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Steiner Electric

Steiner Electric innovates and modernizes for a stronger future

Serving customers for the next 100 years

A force to be reckoned with in the electrical and industrial markets, Steiner Electric is a 4th generation, family-owned distributor that’s been in the game for more than a century. Founded in 1916 by George S. Steiner, the Illinois-based company is now run by George’s grandson, Rick Kerman and employs more than 400 people.

Steiner Electric built a strong foundation more than 100 years ago and is embracing the future by transforming business to meet evolving customer needs.

Steiner wanted to give their customers the tools they needed to do their jobs on a day to day basis. In addition, the company wanted a platform that would enable their team to do their jobs more efficiently and create the experiences their customers needed.

Steiner set out to build a best-in-class, omnichannel, multi-channel customer experience. They created a long term strategy aimed at using digital technologies to drive customer engagement. Goals for digital transformation included: working toward finding ways to nurture underserved customers, creating new business opportunities and expanding share of wallet.

Creating a best-in-class customer experience with Episerver

Steiner Electric is leveraging Episerver B2B Commerce Cloud by Insite to deliver a modern, intuitive experience for their team and customers. From the beginning, Steiner recognized that digital transformation meant more than delivering a basic website. They couldn’t just deploy technology and be done with it. To see success with ecommerce takes a strong technology foundation, the fuel to run that engine and an innovative team.

Since implementing Episerver B2B Commerce Cloud by Insite in May 2019, Steiner has increased self-service activities on their site and has seen strong trends of increased user login accounts.

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