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The White Company

Email triggers for abandoned baskets deliver big returns

Better targeting for visitor behavior

The White Company’s online traffic averages over 770,000 unique visitors each month, including a loyal following and a significant amount of new visitors. These visitors represent over 1.2 million shopping sessions. Although the company was pleased with the amount of traffic, it needed to find a better way to respond to the browsing behavior of each visitor.

Emails triggers sent at the right time

To better monitor and respond to visitor behavior, The White Company turned to Episerver Intelligence Cloud and the capability Email Product Recommendations, The White Company was able to communicate with customers through email at exactly the right point. Rather than sending customer emails in batches, they could instead be sent based on visitor behavior and actions tracked in real time.
Episerver Email Product Recommendations includes ten automated behavioral targeting strategies. To determine how much in sales each strategy could bring in, The White Company commissioned Episerver to produce a Customer Value Index.

“The Customer Value Index report was useful because it quantified the results we could expect from implementing each strategy,” says Jo Stone, Retention Marketing Manager. “This meant that we could prioritize which one to go for first and the order in which other ones would be rolled out.”

The White Company realized that there was a tremendous opportunity to unlock a significant amount of hidden sales. It decided to start with an abandoned basket strategy, as this represented the greatest return of all the strategies available.

16% of email recipients completed the purchase

The email trigger campaign for abandoned baskets was easy to set up. Once in place, The White Company saw fantastic returns coming through very quickly.

Over a three-month period, 270,000 visitors qualified for inclusion in the abandoned basket campaign. Of those visitors, 16% of them clicked through the email and went on to complete their purchase. The White Company, therefore, was able to recover a sale that had potentially been lost.

“We were very pleased with how quickly and easily we were able to implement the email triggers,” says Stone. “We saw fantastic returns coming through almost immediately, and we are excited about adopting the other strategies that are now available to us.”

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