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Toppers Pizza

Toppers Pizza dish up tasty customer experience with Episerver Commerce Cloud

Toppers Pizza are noted as one of the fastest growing pizza chains in the US. Covering 15 States with near 80 physical stores. They're notorious for their delicious taste and fresh ingredients.

The Challenge

Experiencing over 50% of orders taking place online, Toppers Pizza (Toppers) wanted to take a proactive step in excelling customer needs. They sought to transform their existing customer experience by building a foundation of technology-driven innovation. The food retailers’ objectives were to;

  • Create a cloud-based Point of Sale (POS)
  • A commerce-enabled website
  • increase revenue through these channels
  • Improve engagement with customers

The solution

To successfully execute these objectives, Toppers appointed Episerver Premium Partner Rightpoint.

The teams created two new areas to realize Toppers ambition, all to be built on the Episerver Customer-Centric Digital Experience Platform.

The first area was a commerce infrastructure that would support online transactions. The second was a custom-built POS across its physical estate. The two areas would be integrated in enabling automatic re-ordering functions the aid the supply-chain. 

Both areas were to be hosted on Microsoft Azure, giving Toppers real-time data insight and the flexibility to update promotions & pricing across all customer engagement points with the ability to easily scale to high traffic demands.

The Outcome

Customers using their user-profile, now had a seamless journey - whether online or offline when it came to ordering. Episerver's stable yet powerful platform unlocked rich data for Toppers improving store efficiency. Each Toppers store has access to real-time insights about how much time a new order takes from input, to baking, to load time. In addition, an innovative new GPS-routing map shows exactly where all the deliveries are located. All Toppers delivery drivers now venture out in the most efficient way possible. The multitude of newly delivered benefits all contribute to an even better customer experience with Toppers.

What stood out about Episerver when choosing e-commerce solutions was its ease-of-use and out-of-box capabilities. We needed a prepackaged tool that we could customize, and we wanted something with enterprise capabilities in an easy-to-use system that would help empower our marketing team, help eliminate the technical debt we’ve accumulated, and reduce our time to market

Tony Ellis

VP Information Technology Toppers Pizza

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