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Personalizing content and driving partner engagement


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The Challenge

Vertiv, formerly Emerson Network Power, operate at the heart of facility infrastructure bringing together hardware, software and analytics to enable continuous running of vital applications for customers across the world. Providing solutions across these vast regions bring their own complexities which Vertiv have over 50 years of experience in handling.

Boasting a customer portfolio including the likes of Alibaba, AT&T, Siemens and China Mobile, Vertiv required a digital environment capable of marketing products in 18 different languages whilst simultaneously providing local experience personalization.

The platform needed to be easily used by their internal teams to personalize content and products on a regional basis, and succinctly integrate with their current technology stack including BrandMaker, Okta and

The Solution

Vertiv and their Episerver Premium Partner Luminos Labs opted for the Episerver Digital Experience Platform to deliver their digital aspirations.

Episerver's DXP offers true flexibility for Vertiv to create a global hierarchy of sites in different languages, personalize content across different regions and drive engagement for their partner portal needs.

The Episerver's scalability enabled product owners to manage complex product information across different regions. It allowed internal digital marketing teams to create a personalization workflow to create truly localized experiences.

Luminos Labs have been retained as an ongoing managed services partner to support and maintain Vertiv’s growing instance of Episerver, now serving between 4 and 5 million visitors annually.

The Vertiv team was nervous about taking on a rebrand and refresh of the newly spun-off company, but Luminos Labs gave us confidence in their ability and the Episerver Digital Experience Platform to meet and exceed our needs as an implementation partner.

Gary Anderson

VP of Global Marketing Vertiv Co

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