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Episerver & Microsoft

Episerver Digital Experience Platform runs on Microsoft


.NET Upgrade Assistant

We're excited to announce that together with Microsoft, we've launched the .NET Upgrade Assistant. 

We want to ensure that every customer of ours is able to take advantage of .NET 5 and the benefits that come with being on a modern cloud platform. Having listened to our customers and partners, we learned that many were finding the upgrade process too time consuming and were therefore staying on older platforms to avoid it altogether. 

With the .NET Upgrade Assistant, we're providing our customers with the tools they need to upgrade more efficiently to .NET 5, so that they can feel empowered to unlock their digital potential. 

Learn more about the .NET Upgrade Assistant from Microsoft.

Leveraging Microsoft Azure to bring a new development standard

Global ISV

Episerver is a part of an elite group of Microsoft Global ISVs managed within the One Commercial Partner team, working closely with Microsoft sales, marketing and engineering teams. Our close partnership with the Microsoft product teams enables innovation and extension of our solution.


Episerver's Digital Experience Platform is offered in a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) model in order to take full advantage of Microsoft Azure, resulting in ease of use, reduced complexity and cost effective technology consumption. Episerver’s uses Microsoft Azure services to gather customer data and apply AI to personalization each interaction – never more important than now.


Connectivity to Microsoft Dynamics 365, Dynamics CRM and Legacy Dynamics ERP systems, as well as other leading marketing automation systems critical for multi-channel experiences. Episerver’s integrations allows customers to quickly launch a unified experience-driven commerce platform to engage with customers across their entire journey – with rapid productivity and faster time-to-value.

Microsoft applauds Episerver for its innovative and comprehensive adoption of Microsoft Azure, which has allowed them to bring a powerful new approach to the delivery of digital customer experiences. Episerver's Digital Experience Platform is offered in a platform-as-a-service model in order to take full advantage of Microsoft Azure, resulting in ease of use, reduced complexity and cost effective technology consumption.

Scott Guthrie

Executive Vice President, Microsoft Cloud and Enterprise Group Microsoft

Talk to our experts

Have questions about our products or services? We’d be happy to help! Our experts can help you with:

  • Questions about technical requirements

  • Customized demos based on your needs

  • Pricing information for our products and services

  • Adding capabilities to your Episerver solution

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