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Maximize the effectiveness of your digital content with AI-generated insights

Gain a real-time understanding of the content you have at a granular level, why it engages your visitors, and prescriptive guidance on how to optimize the ROI of your content strategy.

What Content Intelligence can do for you

Key features of Content Intelligence

Automated content audits

Our dashboard provides you a real-time understanding of your overall content landscape automatically tagged via natural language processing.

Understand exactly how many pieces of content you have by topic without the need for expensive and time-consuming manual content audits.

Prescriptive guidance on content strategy

Gain actionable insights on exactly what topics are engaging your visitors in real-time and how their interests change over time so you can respond.

Clearly visualize content gaps where you need to increase investment and saturation points where you need to reduce focus to stay relevant to your audience.

Powerful filters to answer more questions

Slice and dice dashboards with easy to use filters for rich insights on different content and marketing questions.

Popular use cases include insights on what topics are best for specific audiences, asset types, or marketing channels.

Industry-leading AI/NLP

Built on years of research by leading experts in the field of natural language processing (NLP), each content asset is automatically tagged with 10-30 topics from a database of millions of topics.

Content Intelligence covers over 25 languages and is proven to support enterprise use cases with millions of content assets.

Related products

We were initially doing some fairly blunt segmentation based on what we knew of someone's sector or their location. With content intelligence, that moved to be a much more personalized view; we were able to get much more granular data.

Jon Ewing

CMO Fitch Group

Partnering up for your success




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Episerver Digital Experience Platform lets you do amazing things for your customers. Leverage our experts to do amazing things for you! Our team of digital strategists enable Customers and Partners to deliver quantifiable business results powered by Episerver Digital Experience Platform. Consultants with a depth of experience in all aspects provide expertise and guidance to position you for success.

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