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Digital Experience Platform B2B Commerce cloud Product Configuration for B2B

Streamline and Simplify with Product Configuration

From standard to complex products, easily configure your catalog with B2B Commerce Cloud.

This capability is part of B2B Commerce Cloud, which is currently only available in North America. For globally available commerce functionality, please see Commerce Cloud.

What Product Configuration can do for you

Key features of Product Configurations

Kitting and Bundling

Easily group a set of related products together and sell to your customers as a single item, with a single price. 

Simple and Complex Products

Whether your products are simple or complex, B2B Commerce Cloud can support them. Products with limited configuration options and those that need advanced configuration options are supported. 


Generate customer-specific part numbers based on customer-selected options to make it available for re-order or as part of the catalog. 

Related Products

Forrester Wave: B2B Commerce Suites

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide B2B Digital Commerce Platforms 2020

This report contains a 29-criterion evaluation of B2B commerce suites providers, with Episerver among the top-13 most significant providers. Episerver is recognized for our customer-centricity efforts in the B2B playing field through our app marketplace and as evidenced by our positive growth trajectory, and above-par CMS.

The 2020 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide B2B Digital Commerce Platforms Vendor Assesment report assesses the strengths and challenges of 18 vendors providing a B2B digital commerce platform. Episerver’s B2B Commerce Cloud by Insite platform is evaluated in this report and Episerver is positioned in the Leaders category.

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Episerver Digital Experience Platform lets you do amazing things for your customers. Leverage our experts to do amazing things for you! Our team of digital strategists enable Customers and Partners to deliver quantifiable business results powered by Episerver Digital Experience Platform. Consultants with a depth of experience in all aspects provide expertise and guidance to position you for success.

See our capabilities in action and sign up for a demo

We're not the right fit for everybody, but we're the right partner to help you understand who is. Episerver's B2B Commerce assessment will help you determine what your customer-focused and company-focused objectives are, so you can find the solution that drives real results for your business. Fill out the form and we'll:

  1. Get you connected to an Episerver B2B Commerce expert
  2. Review your business requirements
  3. Create a custom demo tailored to your needs

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