New Report: Launch a customizable Episerver commerce website in as fast as 30 days

Learn about your business’ metrics, and the expected value you can achieve with the Episerver platform. Luminos Labs can help you visualize the possibilities and align with your own goals. Depending on your starting metrics, these strategies can lead to a 10% to 30% increase in ecommerce revenue.

Launch a full-featured Episerver commerce website in as fast as 30 days that is customizable, extensible, scalable, and save 1,000s of hours of discovery, design, and development.

In this report, you will find information about:

  • Launching a best-of-breed digital commerce ecosystem lightning-fast
  • Continuously optimizing your website experience with analytics and actual customers’ behavior
  • Expanding to new markets with eCommerce multi-site/multi-brand, multi-market, multi-language, and multi-currency capabilities