
Martin Holm, new Head of Sales Denmark at Optimizely

Welcome Martin Holm, who has been recruited as new Head of Sales Denmark. With Copenhagen as base and more than 15 years of experience of the software industry at companies like Salesforce and Microsoft, Martin will support Optimizely’s customers and partners in Denmark with their digital transformation and experimentation opportunities.

Martin, what will your new role at Optimizely include?

My focus will be to create initiatives and drive engagement together with our partners and customers. With several major Optimizely clients such as Arla, Falck, Coloplast and Flügger we do see a strong momentum and a demand for digital platforms that is helping customers maximize their digital potential. And the Danish market has great potential for growth, both in the B2B and in the B2C side and within both mid-sized and large organisations.

You have quite a long experience from the ICT sector. What do you see are the major opportunities for Optimizely in Denmark?

I think to begin with, the Danish market is quite competitive and Optimizely is one of the best kept secrets in Denmark. In my previous roles I have worked quite extensively with d

eveloping clients through a broad product portfolio. At Optimizely it will be more a question of developing the market as such. So, the major opportunity I would say is raising the awareness of Optimizely and its great solutions. When I had the chance to look into the products and services Optimizely have to offer, I quickly realized that it is well aligned with the needs I hear customers talk about on a daily basis.

What kind of strengths do you see Optimizely have in the Danish market?

Looking at the trends on the market, the demand for omnichannel from customers and overall digitalisation, it pushes for optimisation in both web and commerce. Covid-19 has further fuelled that transition and Optimizely have strong solutions to assist companies with this. The strong innovation behind Optimizely’s solutions is also a great strength which has also been recognised by highly respected research firms like Gartner, Forrester and IDC. And, added to all this, Optimizely has wide network of great partners in Denmark. So, we can push the growth together with them which I really look forward to.

Martin jojed Optimizely on July 1st, you can get in contact with Martin by emailing him on or contact him by phone +45 29 39 34 32


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Episerver hjelper virksomheter med å skape unike digitale opplevelser for sine kunder, med målbare forretningsresultater. Episerver Customer Digital Experience Platform ™ kombinerer innhold, e-handel, data og personaliseringstjenester i en enkelt plattform som gir en 360 graders tilnærming til digitale tjenester - fra intelligent optimalisering og personalisering til lead-generering og konvertering med støtte for gjenkjøp. Alt levert med enestående enkelhet for redaktører og markedsførere.

Episerver, som sitter i sentrum av økosystemet for digitale opplevelser, gir virksomheter muligheten til å omfavne nye trender og strategier for transformasjon og levere enestående opplevelser for sine kunder, både for det som skjer av interaksjon og transaksjon - uavhengig av hvilken kanal kunden engasjeres i.