An Interview with The Couch Shopper: The 2020 Episerver Holiday Ecommerce Report

After the roller coaster events of 2020, the holiday shopping season is starting in a world very different from 2019. As millions of customers shop for their friends and relatives, retailers everywhere are asking: What are the new shopping trends we should expect to see this year? And how can we be ready for it?

According to our new report, “An Interview with The Couch Shopper: The Episerver Holiday Ecommerce Report 2020”, this year’s holiday shopper will be more demanding, more socially savvy — and they will likely be doing their shopping from the comfort of their own couch.

Key findings of the report

  • The vast majority of the world’s online shoppers are most likely to be on the couch when shopping online
  • Ecommerce traffic has witnessed double-digit gains in 2020 as stores close and shoppers flock to digital options
  • Most gift shopping will be conducted online and through Amazon

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