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Get ahead with Episerver Education

Episerver Education gives you year-round access to continuous learning and certification pathways, instructor-supported and tailored according to your role, experience, and learning goals.

Training tailored to you

Why choose Episerver Education

Adapted learning

We help you chart a relevant learning pathway from day one - based on your role, experience, goals, and learning style with different levels of customization. ​

The best instructors available​

Our training is produced and delivered by a full-time staff of experienced instructors. You benefit whether you select a self-paced or instructor-led format.​

Learn at your own pace​

No more cramming. Our curated course content is accessible year-round on a subscription basis so you can feel free to learn and review at your own pace.​

Always updated​

A training subscription lets you stay up to speed with new product features and releases, and gain access to the latest course content as soon as it’s available.​

Customized training solutions

Our premium training subscriptions contain a set of core courses specific to your job role as you work with Episerver. They also include access to an additional collection of courses with topics that will enhance your role and experience with working with Episerver, all with the support of a dedicated personal trainer.  You will also be able to attend virtual classroom sessions at no additional charge and invites to exclusive webinars open only to premium holders.

Have a question?

Want to know how to best  prepare for the certification exam?  Curious about which currencies you can make your purchase in? We have collected frequently asked questions on the purchase process, training types, certification, and more.

Included as part of our premium subscription:

Core courses specific to your job role

A dedicated instructor for private instruction

Access to an extended library of courses to help you develop and grow in your role

Invites to instructor led, virtual classroom sessions

Exclusive webinars open only to subscription holders

Certification attempts (for developer roles only)

Having trouble finding a training that suits your needs?

More courses are available in our catalogue. If you have unique needs or are looking for something specific for you and your team, don't hesitate to contact one of our training managers

Our most popular customized training solutions

Content editor premium subscription

This training will introduce you to the basics of content management and take you through strategies and best practices that will drive more traffic to your site.

  • Core training materials plus access to an extended library of courses
  • A dedicated instructor assigned to you for the duration of the course
  • Invites to virtual classroom sessions with a live instructor
  • Invites to exclusive webinars
  • Access to the materials for 12 months plus updates
Learn more and buy

DX platform developer premium subscription

This training will introduce you to the full range of features available to you in Episerver’s platform enabling you to create advanced digital experiences solutions that combine the power of content, commerce and personalization.

  • Core training materials plus access to an extended library of courses
  • A dedicated instructor assigned to you for the duration of the course
  • ​ Two exam prep courses
  • Invites to exclusive webinars
  • Two certification exam attempts - Content and Commerce Cloud
Learn more and buy

Ready to get started or have a specific training question?

Perhaps you want to discuss the content of one of our courses? Or, maybe you are ready to sign up? We are happy to guide you to find just the training you need. 

Contact us

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