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Content editor premium subscription

Whether you are new to content editing or new to Episerver's Content Cloud, this course is for you. Using Episerver’s best practices, this course introduces and exposes you to the features and functionalities of Episerver Content Cloud to best help you maintain, deliver and promote content. This course is ideal for those who prefer to independently study, but also appreciate additional support from a dedicated instructor.

Premium subscription

This is a blended learning program with 1.5 hours of dedicated instructor support. The course is comprised of self-study instructor led videos and exercises to test your knowledge. Access the course for up to 12 months (plus updates) and enjoy invites to instructor-led classroom training sessions where you get hands-on experience in an Episerver environment. You will be able to use more of your Episerver features as you get a deeper understanding of the different add-ons that help you personalize your content to you and your visitors' needs.

Getting more out of Episerver's Content Cloud is within reach. Upon completion of this course, content editors will expand their knowledge and their tool belt and will be able to:​

  • Manage, create and structure website content​
  • Work with versions, blocks, images and projects​
  • Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO)​
  • Monitor traffic with Google Analytics for Episerver​
  • Optimize conversion rates with A/B testing​
  • Create visitor groups​
  • Personalize content​

We recommend that you have basic computer skills and text editing experience and are comfortable with using the internet. After enrollment, allow 6 hours to complete the core eLearning path.  You have 12 months access to the course materials, instructor led support and invites to classroom sessions and webinars.

Included as part of our Content Cloud Premium Subscriptions:

Core courses specific to your job role

A dedicated instructor for private instruction

Content Editor training

Access to an extended library of courses to help you develop and grow in your role

Invites to instructor led, virtual classroom sessions

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