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Idio is now Episerver Intelligence Cloud

Content is at the heart of every customer journey, and together, Idio and Episerver are aligned on the value of delivering personalized content throughout that customer experience.


In November 2019, Episerver acquired Idio. Effective July 2020, Idio and Episerver have united as one under the Episerver identity. 

On this page you'll find all you need to know about this consolidation of the Episerver brand and what it means for our customers, our products and our Roadmap. 

We're excited about this next chapter for Idio and Episerver, and we hope you will be too! If you want to learn more about the acquisition you can contact us today. 

Introducing Episerver Intelligence Cloud

With the strength of Idio technologies now integrated as part of Episerver, we have successfully launched Episerver Intelligence Cloud. 

Episerver Intelligence Cloud incorporates the latest advancements in AI and machine learning within our purpose-built solutions to drive tangible business value.

With industry-leading capabilities such as automated content and product recommendations, AI-powered dashboards with actionable guidance, and sophisticated data management capabilities, Intelligence Cloud is the perfect complement to our Content Cloud and Commerce Cloud offerings to help you compete, differentiate and win through your digital experience. 

Related industries we serve

Learn more about the Episerver Digital Experience Platform

Episerver's complete Digital Experience Platform combines the best of digital content, commerce and intelligence in on platform to help you deliver quickly, and pivot to connect your businesses online with every customer channel. 

The Episerver Digital Experience Platform unifies the right application of content management, digital commerce, and customer intelligence to deliver customer-centric experiences on every channel. 

Get in touch to learn more about Idio and Episerver

If you're interested in learning more about our acquisition of Idio and what this means for our customers, our products and our roadmap, our team will be happy to chat!

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