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Insite Software is now Episerver

Together, Insite and Episerver's unified strategy will provide a heightened focus on delivering commerce, content and digital products that power seamless customer experiences.


When Insite Software was founded in 2004, its mission was to help manufacturers and distributors prepare their business for the future. Episerver was founded with a similar purpose, and now serves over 8,000 companies globally with a network of over 800 partners.

When Episerver acquired Insite in December 2019, best-in-class B2B commerce capabilities met a leading Digital Experience Platform. Today, manufacturers and distributors can take their digital strategy to new heights with Episerver’s leading solutions.

B2B Commerce Cloud by Insite

InsiteCommerce is now B2B Commerce Cloud by Insite. This platform is designed to help manufacturers and distributors drive efficiency, increase revenue and create meaningful experiences that keep customers coming back for more. B2B Commerce Cloud is fully configurable to meet your brand design standards, extensible to scale as your business grows, and built with a deep integration architecture that seamlessly connects to your ERP, PIM and other backend business systems.

Episerver PIM

InsitePIM is now Episerver PIM, with all the same features and benefits. Episerver PIM is a cloud-based solution that seamlessly integrates with B2B Commerce Cloud and allows small teams to quickly set up their catalog and product data requirements and manage the data acquisition and curation process.

Episerver Mobile

InsiteCommerce Mobile is stronger than ever with a new alias, Episerver Mobile. Manufacturers and distributors can leverage Episerver Mobile to get all the power of B2B Commerce Cloud at their fingertips. Easily deploy a fully functional, branded B2B eCommerce mobile app so your users can do their jobs anytime, anywhere, without question.

Episerver B2B Commerce Analytics

Gain a holistic understanding of how your online channels are performing alongside your traditional sales with Episerver B2B Commerce Cloud Analytics, formerly known as InsiteAnalytics.

Episerver Portfolio

InsitePortfolio is now Episerver Portfolio. Give your sales and service teams reliable access to the information they need to do their jobs. Episerver Portfolio provides reliable access to digital product catalogs and related sales, marketing and education content in a branded native application.

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Happy B2B Commerce Cloud Customers

Get Started

We’re not the right fit for everybody, but we’re the right partner to help you understand who is. Episerver’s B2B Commerce assessment will help you determine what your customer-focused and company-focused objectives are, so you can find the solution that drives real results for your business. Fill out the form and we’ll:

  • Get you connected to an Episerver B2B Commerce expert
  • Review your business requirements
  • Create a custom demo tailored to your needs

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