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Episerver® Rescue Package for Sitecore® Customers

Is your Sitecore® deployment beyond repair? Are you staring down yet another expensive and time-consuming upgrade? The grass IS greener with Episerver and If you migrate now you'll pay nothing until you're live. There's never been a better time to move!

Migrate today, pay nothing until you're live!*

Pay nothing until you're live!*

If the prospect of going through yet another time-consuming Sitecore® upgrade, just to launch a handful of new features, fills you with dread then you're not alone. Sitecore®'s platform is notoriously hard to maintain, but sometimes the idea of completely replatforming can seem even harder. That's why we've launched a new offer to ensure your migration away from Sitecore® is simple and seamless, with minimal disruption to your day-to-day work.

In fact, we're so confident that you'll prefer Episerver over Sitecore®, that we're putting our money where our mouth is.

Talk to us about switching from Sitecore® to Episerver before July 31, 2021 and you won't pay until you're free from the Shackles of Sitecore®!*

*Applies to license fees/cloud fees, 6 months maximum payment-free period, subject to 36 month contract.

NEW: Introducing Episerver's Migration Accelerator

We'll help make your migration stress-free and seamless

We understand that platform migrations can feel like a mammoth task and that change can put extra demands on you and your team. That's why we're committed to making your migration as simple as possible. 

We'll remove the burden of migrations and upgrades so that you can get back to what's important, which is focusing on building exceptional digital experiences for your customers.

How Episerver stacks up against Sitecore®

Episerver is faster, simpler, and more scalable than Sitecore®. Choose a platform that enables you to experiment, create and innovate without disruption.

Create and optimize

When you combine Episerver's personalized content and commerce engine with Optimizely's experimentation capabilities you can deliver higher value and conversions through optimization of every touchpoint. 

Put your customers back at the center of design
With our recommendation capabilities and behavioural data insights, our users can drive increased engagement, customer satisfaction and repeat purchase. 

Combine content creation, merchandising and optimization in one platform.
No more silos. With Episerver, experimentation is integrated into the creative process rather than being treated as a separate discipline. Choosing Episerver over Sitecore® means you can do more testing, in more places, with greater ease than ever before. 

Access more data and say goodbye to guesswork
By collecting massive amounts of data from experiments, consumed content, customer data, and commerce interactions, you can constantly hone the algorithms that drive recommendations. Together with Optimizely, Episerver will bring together the most advanced capabilities to create the ultimate system of differentiation. 


Episerver offers faster deployment and operations than all other business-grade competitors. You get the fastest payback time, the highest ROI, the most reduced switching costs, and a direct route to customer happiness. 

Episerver customers see a 3 times higher ROI in half the time
Forrester's Total Economic Impact study showed that Episerver customers enjoy a 443% ROI over 3 years and a break-even point of less than 6 months. 

Sitecore®'s complexity can risk your time-to-market

Sitecore® invests in hard-to-quantify enterprise capabilities that make configuring and using simple features a tedious, exhausting and unnecessarily drawn out process. Episerver's intuitive interface and rapid delivery puts you in control. 

Sitecore®'s upgrades are time-consuming and costly

Sitecore® upgrades by partners typically start at 300 hours of work. Upgrades can take months. The result is that many stay on older versions missing out on new features. Episerver is assuming 53 backward-compatible uprgrades and more than 120 new features in 2020 alone. You spend less time and money keeping your site up-to-date and more time using the latest features to delight your customers. 


Episerver reduces complexity through automation and thoughtful design. The benefits for you are a single access point across all capabilities, a simple and fair pricing model, and an intuitive user interface. 

Great ease of use vs. Poor customer support

At Episerver we've been highlighted for our excellent usability. On the other hand, Sitecore®'s customer support consistently ranks poorly across markets for existing and prospective customers. Call us crazy but using a complex product that boasts poor customer service sounds like a bad idea. 

Pricing should be transparent, always.
We believe that you should understand exactly the kind of services you will be getting for the money you spend. We have been praised for our transparent pricing structure that makes it easy for businesses to understand what they are buying. As for Sitecore®'s pricing transparency; Sitecore® customers have expressed concern about the confusing pricing for different packages as well as aggressive tactics to try to move on-premises customers to cloud subscriptions. 


At Episerver we have invested in our cloud capabilities so that you can innovate without disruption. Our cloud platform is designed to take the weight off your IT teams, to keep your site secure and to maintain business continuity. But most importantly our cloud platform is ready to scale and grow when you are. 

Sitecore® on the other hand have been called out by their customers for aggressively trying to move on-premises customers to cloud subscriptions. On top of this, the cloud offering itself lags behind in terms of strategy. 

At Episerver we will always put our customers first, and will never force them to make critical business decisions that are not in their best interests. 

You're in safe hands, we've replatformed dozens of Sitecore® clients so far this year

Not sure yet?

We're sure this sounds tempting, but if you're not quite ready to make the move then download our Sitecore® vs Episerver white paper for more information.

*All third-party trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference purposes.

End your Sitecore® headache! Migrate to Episerver now.


We know Sitecore® can be frustrating. Alleviate the pain by switching to Episerver. Contact our migration experts to learn how you can switch and not pay until you go live. 

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