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Age UK

One of the UK's largest charities uses Episerver’s Customer-Centric Digital Experience Platform to deliver digital transformation to millions that rely on their support

In with the old, in with the new

The over-60s are the fastest growing age category in the UK, and placed at the heart of supporting them are charity Age UK, the largest charity provider of services and support to older people. They assist over 7 million members with advice and support every day.

In order to remain as open and accessible to their members, Age UK wanted to update and refresh their website whilst supporting ongoing marketing campaigns. The extent of this would include a vibrant, new mobile experience that would meet the growing trend of over-60s using mobile devices.

The founding partnership

Working closely alongside Episerver Partner Netcel, Age UK prioritised user-journeys and a fully responsive site to meet their users needs. Episerver Content Cloud was selected as the platform of choice that ensured the new site met Age UK's priority across desktop, mobile and tablet.

Age UK’s marketing team are able to make fast changes to the site without the need for additional IT support. The team are able to facilitate new digital communication channels with their audience group now across all devices. This improved engagement is set to continue as Age UK continue to build out their experiential journey.

Digitally inclusive

Small, yet intricate features help make the entire site inclusive to vunerable users. Click-to-listen for example enables visitors, who may have visual impairments, to hear the page content read out.

Age UK have set the bar for charities in the UK to have a ‘Cloud-first’ approach to digital services. The Episerver Content Cloud helps reduce an organizations overall cost on server maintenance meaning funds can be distributed to other critical areas.

Not moving slow

Since implementation, Age UK have strengthened how they communicate with audiences. The Age UK have used their new assets as an opportunity to learn more about their users on a deeper level - ultimately improving the support they offer. Netcel continue to help Age UK create responsive solutions for its partner sites, analysisng usage data and user feedback to deliver further improvements to the site.

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