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Brady Corporation

Brady Corporation puts a strategic focus on e-commerce

Maximizing e-commerce to scale, lower costs to serve and meet customer expectations

Brady Corporation is an international manufacturer, marketer and distributor of complete solutions that identify and protect people, products and places. Brady’s product line consists of signage, labeling, safety devices, printing systems and software.

Brady is a company ahead of its time. The team is constantly innovating for the future and finding new ways to improve customer experiences. The need to invest in ecommerce was driven by multiple factors including reducing costs to serve, meeting customer expectations, growing the company and improving the technology landscape.

Lowering costs to serve

Brady had customers calling asking for a price, requesting quotes and so forth. They needed to allow their customers to self-serve and free up their team to focus on more value-added services.

Meeting customer expectations

Today more than ever, B2B buyers prefer to self-serve. They prefer to buy online whenever possible. Brady wanted to meet that expectation and give their customers the experiences they were asking for. 

Opportunity for growth

For a manufacturer like Brady, ecommerce is a tremendous opportunity for growth. If customers are coming to the site, it is likely they are looking to find information. Rather than send them somewhere else, they can find product information right on Brady’s site.

Improve technology landscape to keep up with global demand

Brady needed all their technology systems to talk to each other. They needed an ecommerce platform with a powerful integration architecture.

Why Episerver?

Brady chose B2B Commerce Cloud as their ecommerce platform because it handles the complexities of B2B. For Brady, Episerver fills a gap in the market with the right mix of performance, complexity and price. 

Today, Brady has maximized their ecommerce platform to scale for growth, reduce cost of ownership and provide faster, easier upgrades.


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