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Cleaner's Supply

Providing 20,000 products on a polished, personalized ecommerce estate

Cleaner's Supply, a large dry-cleaning supply distributor, have built a reputation as a fast, reliable, and devoted customer service organization.

They were looking for a digital commerce transformation and saw a market opportunity to capture the next generation of dry cleaners and tailors. With multiple sites, shared products, and a variety of customer needs, Cleaner's Supply had complex requirements. These included personalized product and content recommendations and increasing search and order capabilities.

A zip line approach

The plan for success included utilizing Episerver Commerce Cloud, with a clear alignment on goals and metrics through continuous communication. The strategy focused on personas and journey-mapping, which directed feature and functionality requirements and determined the best path forward for both the customer and Cleaner's Supply internal team members.

The Luminos Labs implementation team used a proven process driven by risk mitigation, proofs of concept, quality assurance (QA) testing every sprint, and clear communication with the Cleaner's Supply team.

Tight Knit Integrations

Address Validation: Smarty Streets

Advertising: Google AdWords

Analytics: Google Analytics

Chat: LivePerson

Digital Asset Management: Dynamic Image Resizer

Forms: Episerver Forms

ERP: Infor

Payment: AuricVault

Personalization: Episerver Personalization

Shipping: UPS, Purolator

A tailored, personalized journey

Luminos Labs developed a custom solution leveraging Episerver Personalized Search & Navigation allowing customers to overcome search challenges. This solution enables Cleaner's Supply to:

  • Search:
    • Define facets per category without code changes
    • Implement a common product that is flexible enough for every category
    • Personalize product recommendations with Product Recommendations
    • Customers can search for products and select smart suggestions based on previously typed inputs
  • Order quickly: Customers who know what they're looking for or are familiar with catalog numbers can order their desired product in just a few clicks
  • Product recommendations: On Product pages, Cleaner's Supply leverages Episerver personalization resulting in personalized and related product recommendations.
  • Retargeting: If you are a returning customer, it allows you to be recongized by your account when you log in and can quickly resurface previously bought items.

Looking sharp

The new Cleaner’s Supply eCommerce platform allows a logged-in user to quick order with file upload, see customer-specific pricing & catalogs, and easily re-order past orders. The website was designed to allow easy upgrades and incremental features. Additional Episerver Personalization tools are being configured and tested, gathering valuable optimization data as the recommendation engine improves its machine learning.

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