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Creative Co op

Enhancing the Retailer Shopping Experience


Increase in transactions


Increase in revenue


Increase ecommerce conversion rate

Creating memorable spaces

Creative Co-Op is a home and seasonal décor, candle, jewellery & fashion accessories company. Creative Co-Op offers a broad range of styles reflecting the varying and unique tastes of consumers throughout North America and over 55 countries internationally.

The ‘Creative’ part of their name revolves around imagination, design, and collaboration with artists. ‘Co-Op’ speaks to the union of our customers, our suppliers, and our people. The combination results in a unique ability to bring extraordinary products to valued customers.

Their product assortment showcases styles for every room, every taste, and every occasion. The core home décor offering is as unique as it is expansive, with thousands of products that bring personality to every home. From Casual Country to Canyon Grove, from Little One to Luxe, the collections offer choices to make every space memorable.

Furnishing a new digital home

Creative Co-Op wanted to redesign the Creative Co-Op website to improve product discovery and better engage their active customer base. There was an ambition to enhance their online experience with a feature-rich website that could easily be updated to highlight limited-time promotions and merchandise. This would coincide with delivering a personal and compelling digital experience that offers sophisticated B2B tools and features for their registered retailers.

Creative Co-Op specified a platform that is easy to update with fresh content and special promotions, while reducing their reliance on website developers to make updates and course-correct issues. Included in this detailed specification was a platform capable of supporting dynamic landing pages.

Decorating with Episerver

Creative Co-Op teamed with digital agency Whereoware to redesign their digital landscape and make it easier for customers to browse and shop their 6,000+ products. Whereoware redesigned and rebuilt the website on WOWCommerce, a proprietary accelerator package bringing feature-rich Episerver websites to market faster.

Thoughtful customer design

The new Episerver website features a modern, minimalist design and thoughtful user experience (UX). Intuitive product categories help retailers search and identify the best product for their store. Large, high resolution imagery and alternative views show off product details and an interactive Instagram integration enriches audience engagement.

It’s replete with powerful B2B tools and functionality, and features the intuitive
WOWCommerceplatform for easy updating and merchandising.  The website is responsive and delivers an exceptional UX from every device (desktop, mobile, and tablet).  

Dynamic product discovery

In addition, Creative Co-Op’s new website streamlines product discovery with enhanced navigation, filtering, and search options. The homepage’s elegant design places products center stage with a dynamic, multi-image slider hero, a visual dropdown navigation with promotional block, and prominent calls-to-action guiding retailers’ exploration of the site. Even further, the feature-rich Retailer Portal enhances retailer’s a one-stop-shop to search, shop, and purchase products, while more effectively managing their business.

An enticing B2B platform

Creative Co-Op’s new website makes it easy and enjoyable for busy retailers to fulfil inventory. Large product imagery and lifestyle photography capture retailers’ attention, while the #CreativelyYours campaign invites retailers to more intimately engage with the Creative Co-Op brand. The website successfully streamlines product discovery, while offering tons of B2B-focused features and tools.

When running their limited time specials, they create temporary landing pages to promote the discounted products, and schedule that page to go live and expire to fit their needs. Episervier enables the page and products to be tested in advance, relieving resources and stresses on go-live day. Creative Co-Op required a platform to optimize a customer-centric, highly-personalized online journey. Episerver’s personalization features enable Creative Co-Op to deliver a custom and seamless experience to its retailers. The Retailer Portal allows Creative Co-Op to support their retailers with tools to manage their business. Retailers can view and access past orders or invoices, making it easy and enjoyable to do frequent business with Creative Co-Op.

Creative Co-Op consistently updates their website to optimize the customer journey. Most recently, they updated their product detail page to enhance product discovery.


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