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Dura-Line builds a digital infrastructure to guide technically minded customers

Building the infrastructure for everyday modern life

Dura-Line started out in 1971 in Kentucky, USA as an extrusion company, producing conduit systems. These items grew in importance as telecommunication technology improved over time and demand for cable infrastructure grew. Dura-Line became an established key player in datacom infrastructure, and expanded their operations in cities across the US and Europe. Today, their business is vital to supporting growing telecom infrastructure that supports fiber connections for consumers. Dura-Line operates 20 production plants across the globe.

Agile team logistics

Dura-Line has always consisted of an agile, lean digital team. Together, they craft the organization's internal communications and portray the Dura-Line brand story. Episerver Partner, delaware were brought onboard to help orchestrate a digital ecosystem to improve all aspects of Dura-Line's digital estate, with the most pressing comprising of, a new CMS, PIM and DAM.

Dura-Line had an unreliable set of tools for their international site. Around 10 CMS systems clogged together, producing a ''not so elegant'' digital experience for their technically minded audience.

Whether a distributor, contractor or engineer, visitors often know what they were looking for and required different pieces of information along their journey. Dura-Line designed their website to handle all these requests, and provide a vast amount of relevant information along the way.

The digital ecosystems to address digital latency

After appointing delaware, Dura-Line kicked off their digital masterplan by getting a PIM in place to deal will the mass of product information. Dura-Line selected inRiver for its smooth integration into the Episerver platform. This was followed by identifying the right DAM to act as the operational data storage layer. Digizuite was selected due to its extensive support and modern capabilities. Alongside Delaware as implementation partner, this ecosystem enabled Dura-Line to develop a meaningful digital experience to audiences, built on Episerver Content Cloud.

''Digizuite provides a repository of all of our digital assets. My job in marketing is to provide resources that our sales team needs for customers. If a salesperson can quickly and easily filter and find what they need to show or to send to someone, then I've accomplished my goal. That's what we're counting on Digizuite to do, and we're really excited about that'', Tanya Kanczuzewski, Dura-Line.

Building a digital infrastructure that speeds decision making

For Dura-Line, the most advance part of their digital estate is their product configurator. The tool empowers visitors to easily configure desired products and get all the specifications they're looking for - thanks to the PIM integration. It's tools like this that are uplifting the expectation of Dura-Line's brand, helping cement their market position as a leader.

The site is available in 8 languages, with special attention paid to growing markets in Europe and South America. The digital team can add, edit, alter vast amounts of content whenever and however they need in a very simple fashion.

What is strikingly apparent is Dura-Line has aligned their digital infrastructure as they have their own products. It is a robust, informative and innovative site that has audience front of mind.

Both Digizuite and inRiver connectors are available in the Episerver Marketplace

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