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Activating intent data within your marketing technology strategy


Longer sessions with target accounts


More pages per session

Overcoming challenges

Genpact is a global professional services firm, with over 90,000 professionals, that helps make their clients business transformations real. Genpact’s expertise is in digital transformation in procurement and supply chain, risk and compliance, and finance and accounting. They drive digital-leg innovation and digitally enabled intelligent operations for Fortune 500 companies globally.

Genpact is a large company with a substantial amount of services offered. With one piece of digital real estate that has competing demands to convey content, Genpact needed to transform their website to provide a data-driven, personalized experience to deliver the right content to its visitors. After multiple attempts at personalization themselves, with a lean web team, they identified the need for an automated solution, driven by AI, would be necessary to help orchestrate content delivery. Genpact knew the solution would need to not only provide data-driven content recommendations but would have to help them better understand what their audiences are actually looking for and enable them act from those insights.

Leveraging a best-in-class marketing technology strategy

Leveraging a best-in-class marketing technology strategy, focused on automation and intelligence, Genpact chose Episerver Web Content Recommendations as their provider of first-party intent and automated personalization to deliver a customer experience tailored to each individual.

The integration launch with Genpact and Episerver Web Content Recommendations began in December 2019 and results were almost immediately noticeable. Genpact met goals of quality web visits, quality traffic engaging on their site, and those visitors choosing to dive deeper into their site’s content rather than bouncing after a short time.

Implementation Highlights:

  • Easy implementation via Google Tag Manager to build data sets
  • Automated solution for content ingestion, content tagging, and first-party intent data

Genpact’s marketing technology strategy focuses on actionable insights and shies away from theory. They center on bringing distinct data together across their marketing ecosystem in a way that allows actionable insights to be their guide.


Web Content Recommendations raw data provides information on who is interacting on their website and connects those users to recommended and next-best content. From there, it is further connected to their known user database both at a lead/contact and account level as well as to Google Analytics to identify traffic and time on page, and to campaign performance data to identify customer journey trends.

When you couple the data together with Web Content Recommendations into your reporting platform it gives true and actionable insights on your web audience. Genpact can better understand what their prospects are interested in, who exactly is interacting with their content, and where they came from to that point. With all of this powerful data, Web Content Recommendations enables Genpact to always be aligned to their overall go-to-market strategy.

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