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IHS Markit

A smart digital experience for a global audience.


Improvement in CTR over their marketing automation emails


Improvement in CTR over expert-curated content

Global services that need require local insights

IHS Markit is a leading research and information services organization whose global information expertise spans numerous industries, including finance, energy and transportation. Clients include over 80% of the Fortune Global 500 and 94 of the 100 largest US corporations.

As part of its marketing program, product teams across the company sent batch emails with Eloqua based on what they thought was most relevant to buyers. This manual approach was both time consuming and less effective when applied across all email touchpoints due to the wide variety and dynamism of buyer interests.

The organization knew that staying relevant to buyers was paramount to its success and embarked upon a journey to make their demand generation emails as buyer-centric as possible.

The business was looking for a solution that:

  • Increased engagement with articles and products in emails
  • Personalized emails at scale with no extra manual effort required
  • Enabled greater understanding of buyer interests and intent

A practical use case

Helen the CIO visits the IHS Markit website, accesses the client portal and reads several articles.

As Helen engages more research or product content on the website, Web Content Recommendations builds a real-time profile of her interests and intent.

Web Content Recommendation intelligently uses this insight to recommend her next individually relevant report or article in each email she receives.

The smart engine churning powerful outcomes

Episerver Web Content Recommendations automatically ingests content from IHS Markit’s website via a JavaScript tag and uses a form of AI called Natural Language Processing to extract all relevant topics and score their importance within the content.

As individuals consume content on the IHS Markit website, Web Content Recommendations build unique, real-time interest profiles based on the topics contained within each piece of content and uses this to serve each individual the most relevant content or product in emails.

Content recommendations are presented in Eloqua areas using the Web Content Recommendations JavaScript tag. No development or restyling of emails is necessary and only content appropriate to the email context and desired date range is recommended to individual in emails.

The next step

IHS Markit renewed its Web Content Recommendations partnership and expanded our next-best-content experience to the web for select lines of business on A new personalization experience drives web engagement for blog content, limited exposed content and paywall content in an effort to increase sign-ups, downloads, trial requests, live demos and requests for expertise. For IHS Markit, this is the beginning of an “always on” nurture experience powered by the only partner that can provide data at the individual level and enable a consistent journey across web and email.


Measurement take places within Eloqua as the system of record for email performance and using campaign tracking codes to analyze how these buyer-centric campaigns contributed to conversions and pipeline.

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