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Macpek improves bottom line with Episerver

Leading heavy-duty vehicle parts and car wheels distributor, Macpek drives dedicated digital engagement with Episerver InsiteCommerce


Increase in Online Revenue


Monthly Website Transactions

9 Months

Average Time Saved in Training

Macpek parts are made to be on the road with you

For over 40 years Macpek has been on the leading edge of the heavy-duty vehicle parts and car wheels industry. Macpek was founded with a single purpose: to get customers on the road as quickly and for as long as possible. Today, with over 70,000 product SKU’s, Macpek is delivering a client experience that is Phenomenal from Part to Part.

With over 400,000 feet of warehousing space and 15 locations to be close to their customers, Macpek promises fast delivery and high quality parts. Macpek’s commitment to an omnichannel strategy means the company is delivering a powerful client experience not only from part to part, but also from channel to channel – online and offline.

Combating a shortage of talent

When you step back and assess the reality of the heavy-duty parts industry there’s an undeniable challenge: talent is scarce because people are not choosing to enter the industry. The heavy-duty vehicle parts industry is incredibly specialized and complex and unfortunately, there are not many people choosing to pursue this industry for their career.

For Macpek, they need to ensure that the existing employees they do have are as efficient as possible. To build an efficient team requires robust tools and technology. Macpek is always searching for ways to augment its teams’ processes and provide resources that allow a small number of people to accomplish a lot of work.

Additionally, for those who are entering the heavy-duty vehicle parts industry, they are driving the organization toward new ways of doing business. The team at Macpek knows that younger generations expect seamless digital experiences. They expect to be able to utilize a website to conduct research, make the product purchases they need and carry on with their day.

Committed to growing alongside its digitally-savvy customers

In the aftermarket parts game, competition is tight. To separate your business from the fray, you need to be willing to think differently about how to best serve your customers. For Macpek, who has always been committed to delivering the highest quality customer service, that meant transforming alongside their increasingly digital-hungry customers.

So what did transformation look like for Macpek? The company envisioned an experience where customers could self-serve with 24/7 access to real-time inventory checkers, centralized product information, order history and invoices.

Prior to leveraging Episerver’s InsiteCommerce platform, Macpek was using an eCommerce solution that was not meeting their needs. With no SEO built-in, Macpek was finding it challenging to get their products found when people were doing research online. The experience did not meet the expectations of Macpek’s customers and reflected poorly on the first-rate customer service they were striving to provide.

A new, more powerful B2B solution

The Macpek team knew that the issue they had was not with their ERP. Their ERP was fine for managing the back-office processes. What they needed was a tool to create an excellent experience on the user side. As a result, when searching for a new eCommerce platform, one of the most important requirements was that the solution would easily integrate with Macpek’s This would enable crucial information like inventory and pricing to be shared across systems and not duplicated.

In addition to integration to its ERP, Macpek was looking for a solution that would provide a real-time inventory checker to its customers, could handle more than 63,000 price matrix combinations and could manage product information for more than 100,000 products. Further importance was placed on enhanced search and responsive design.

Macpek was working with Absolunet, a North American eCommerce Agency during its hunt for the right fit. Absolunet suggested that Episerver’s InsiteCommerce platform had the capabilities and features needed to handle the complex challenges Macpek was facing.

Improving the bottom line 

Since implementing Episerver’s InsiteCommerce platform, Macpek has seen an 86% increase in online revenue. Today, Macpek is opening three to four new accounts per day and sees an average of 8,000 monthly website transactions.

But the results go beyond new business. The platform has also enabled the team to be more efficient than ever before. Macpek is utilizing the InsiteCommerce platform as a training tool for new team members. Utilizing the platform as an onboarding tool has reduced the training period for team members from one year to just three months, a 9 month reduction in training time. Now, Macpek’s team can provide more valuable customer service while augmenting processes that had previously been conducted by people.

All in all, Episerver’s InsiteCommerce solution has enabled Macpek’s customers to self-serve while driving internal efficiencies and generating more revenue. Macpek is continuously innovating and constantly looking for ways to make the customer experience even more phenomenal from part to part.

If we measure success on how we’ve made it easier for our customers to procure parts, I think we’ve succeeded on a massive scale

Steven Wark

Information Technology Director Macpek

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