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Mastering a collaborative space for colleagues around the world

Greater knowledge sharing

To support the company and make it possible to keep a fast "time-to-market" NNE chose to use Episerver technology for their corporate web, intranet, and community.

By implementing a user-friendly interface, employees are able to collaborate in virtual teams across national borders and ensure continued momentum in the enterprise.

Greater cross boarder cooperation

NNE wanted to set up a Facebook-like community for their own staff. With offices in more than 25 locations across the world, the goal was for its 1600 staff is to share knowledge, communicate and collaborate.

With Episerver, NNE has created a community which has clubs, blogs and discussion forums which all contribute to the sense that all the employees belong to one fully connected organisation.

There is greater cross border cooperation and collaboration between colleagues. ‘Ourbook’ has become an integrated daily work tool which enhances social and work-related communities of interest.

Global success examples

Martin Poulsen – IT Manager, NNE tells Episerver about a scenario that highlights the benefits they see today. "Eric {a colleague} heard that one of his colleagues in Germany needed a URS for an autoclave, but no one in Germany could help him. He went to the tags and found "autoclave", when clicking on it he got Luciano and Liwen as a search result, so he sent them a mail asking for help. Luciano answered right away and now they are in contact to see what can be useful for the project in Germany. Great!

Another example is of a colleague, Dennis who had problems printing a file from Visio. He went to the tags in Ourbook and when typing "visio" he found out that Peter, who sits on the same floor in the office, had tagged himself with that word. In a couple of minutes Peter was able to help Dennis with that problem. Isn't it fantastic? This is how much time we can save by using Ourbook!"

Our internal community has changed working practices within NNE. We now communicate directly with our colleagues. Everything is open and our staff can share their knowledge with others. Ourbook definitely promotes greater colleague cooperation


Web Manager , Global IT Solutions NNE

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