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World leading provider of medical devices to eye care professionals see the light with the Episerver Customer-Centric Digital Experience Platform


Unique open rate average


Click-through rate

''We needed a digital infrastructure overhaul''

Since 1992 renowned optical medical device practitioners, Optos have been the leading provider of devices to eye care professionals for improved patient care. They utilize the latest technology to manufacture new products and software that improve the standard of care, helping eye care professionals around the world save sight and save lives.

With their customer base growing rapidly, and the needs of their customers changing, Optos wanted to completely upgrade their Customer Portal and needed to offer a B2B commerce platform that was fit-for-purpose. Optos had been an Episerver house for several years but had not upgraded their digital infrastructure, their acquisition by Nikon provided them with the impetus to move business operations to a truly digital offering.

Catching the eye of customers

Since their upgrade and increased investment in the Episerver platform, Optos have migrated all their digital properties to the Episerver Cloud. They now operate:

Marketing Automation, personalization and tracking are key capabilities Optos are leveraging to launch and expand on an immersive B2B experience for customers.

Marketing Automation helps Optos create and automate intelligent campaigns that increase engagement and conversions, rounding off a coherent omnichannel experience. Episerver Commerce delivers a robust, scalable eCommerce platform to more easily fulfill customer orders in a timely and consistent manner.

Their open and click through rates completely disrupt the industry standard.


  Industry Standard Optos
Click Through Rate 2.25% 32.4%
Unique Open Rate 21% 59.8%


''Episerver has helped us''

Sharon Shepard, Director of Digital Marketing at Optos tell us, ''Episerver has a complete suite of products that work well together. We used to cobble together a variety of tools, just to do everything manually, but the Episerver platform has made us much more efficient. The tools have also allowed us to pivot quickly to a 100% digital environment and support our customers and prospects better during the [COVID-19] pandemic''.

Sharon mentions, ‘’between the extraordinary support staff at Episerver as well as their network of certified partners, we are well positioned to continue to grow from a digital perspective’’.

Tools to create a better digital experience

‘’I guess that depends on what you are trying to achieve,’’ Sharon mentions. ‘’The basics are more about organization, consistency, content/social/email strategy, and getting your other internal partners on board’’.  Sharon tells us it’s about, ‘’making all that tie into your sales enablement and customer journey’’.

With her senior leadership experience at, Sharon says Optos, ‘’utilize a good majority of the Episerver suite, we have a solid content strategy, campaign calendaring program, social media and email strategy to make sure the proper content is reaching people when they need it and provide simplicity for two-way customer communications’’.

Episerver has a complete suite of products that work well together. We used to have to cobble together a bunch of other tools but this has made us much more efficient. As the Digital Marketing Director, the tools have also allowed us to pivot quickly to a 100% digital environment and support our customers and prospects better during the [COVID-19] pandemic.

Sharon Shepard

Director of Digital Marketing Optos

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