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Stratco - Australia

Transforming Stratco’s Ecommerce Platform

Both the Australia and New Zealand platforms are built on Episerver CMS and hosted in the Digital Experience Cloud. The platforms make extensive use of Episerver Find, Episerver Commerce, and Episerver's personalisation engine.

Search in focus

The new websites are designed to quickly get customers to what they are looking for. A rich digital experience also provides enjoyable research pathways via ‘How To’ advice and useful product recommendations. Intuitive navigation and tailored content delivers individualised experiences for customers.

Given the majority of customers start their shopping activity with search, Fusion worked hard to setup and tune the in-site search to match customer search behaviours.

Large range of products

To present Stratco’s range of over 14,000+ products, Fusion completed an advanced integration of Episerver’s Commerce suite with Stratco's ERP. This provides customers with up-to-date product information, location-based pricing and inventory levels.

Customers can checkout as a guest, Click and Collect their products and redeem vouchers during the purchase flow. Quotes for larger products such as patios or garages can be requested using the quote request tool.

The new platform has a 50% faster page load time than the legacy Stratco website on most pages. Fusion also gave careful consideration to the CMS setup so that Stratco's content editors can easily manage, personalise and publish content without requiring development. 

Next steps

Fusion is now working with the Stratco team to continue improving the new platform for their customers and business.

From the outset, Stratco and Fusion have been one team working in partnership on a big goal. We’ve collaborated on a strong, clear and compelling digital proposition that is already providing an uplift in sales

Damien Mair

Director Fusion

Fakta om projektet
Stratco - Australia använder Commerce Cloud

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