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The Landmark Trust

A digital strategy to serve a charitable cause, The Landmark Trust attract new audiences on the Customer-centric Digital Experience Platform


Increase in mobile revenue


Increase in conversions


Reduction in bounce rate

Transition for long-term digital success

The Landmark Trust is one of Britain’s leading building conservation charities. It rescues precious pieces of our past and gives them a new life as holiday lets. Today, The Landmark Trust have 200 historic buildings in its care with over 70,000 guests every year.

The Landmark Trust engaged Episerver partner, Netcel in a long-term partnership to:

  • Future-proof their digital estate
  • Enhance booking conversion rates
  • Attract a new generation of guests

Initial deliverables were to migrate and support the existing site, upgrade to the latest version of Episerver, and to develop a mobile-responsive user interface.

By designing a new responsive front-end experience, The Landmark Trust could greatly improve conversion rates which, in turn, would help to justify future investment in digital technology. Rather than a large-scale redesign, Netcel recommended quick, smaller scale improvements such as redesigning the header, using Episerver supported solutions to enhance and optimise the customer booking experience.

Driving results for nonprofit organizations

The improved website saw immediate results in both site performance and conversion rates and the responsive build saw a six-week ROI pay-back:

  • 15% improvement in page speed
  • 83% increase in mobile revenue
  • 20% reduction in bounce rate on desktop and 27% reduction on mobile
  • 9% increase in conversion rate

Netcel continues to consult on a long-term basis working in partnership with The Landmark Trust to implement a roadmap of improvements to enhance the customer experience, including adding online services such as becoming a member and redeeming gift vouchers.

Netcel made the process smooth and stress free. They continue to challenge us as a strategic digital partner, making sure we spend wisely to maximise our investments.

Alice Evans

Marketing Manager The Landmark Trust

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