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Wex Photo Video

The UK’s leading photographic retailer craft the ideal blend between physical and digital platforms for audiences

Putting customer-centricity at the heart of everything

Wex Photo Video is the UK's most trusted camera retailer with a range of over 20,000 products.

They're on a mission to help photographers and filmmakers get the perfect shot, anytime and every time. Wex do this with an unrivalled omnichannel experience offering over 20,000 products and a range of services. In addition, Wex offer their customers excellent advice, helping everyone get the very best from their equipment, whether they are seasoned professionals or new to photography or videography. For years, they've consistently been named in the Top 3 leading online brands in the UK.

Episerver comes in to the frame

Wex complement their physical store network with their digital offering, using the two together to show their overall offering. The website, built on Episerver Commerce Cloud, continues to grow, as a sales channel as well as providing content, information and advice to create a holistic digital offering. This means that customers can get hands on with cameras, accessories and video gear in store, while also browsing, researching, learning and purchasing on line.

The photographic market is in a difficult place, and has been declining as an overall market for years, and years and years. So the fact that we've been bucked the trend and gained market share and increased in size is testament to our customer-centricity.

Michael Barker

CTO Wex Photo Video

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